837.00/2006: Telegram
The Representative on Special Mission in Cuba (Crowder) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 23—2:04 a.m.]
31. Referring to my number 30, February 16th, 8 p.m. and your number 55, February 21st, 7 p.m. Committee appointed by Liberal Party called on both President and myself but did not discuss with either of us the question of the withdrawal of candidates for President. Committee represented itself to be one of conciliation and authorized to discuss only methods of bringing about greater harmony between political parties with a view to fair partial elections. They asked for the appointment of a like committee by the League13 and joint sessions of the two committees. President Menocal at once took the necessary steps to call together the executive committee of the League which is meeting to-day to appoint a committee of that party. I am confidently advised that the League will insist that Zayas be a member of its committee and that both committees shall be authorized to consider the expediency of withdrawing the electoral appeals now pending in the Supreme Court. Effect would be to accept as final findings of the audiencias as to cases not already decided by the Supreme Court and thus facilitate an early date for the elections.
Held a conference to-day with President Menocal and Chief Justice Supreme Court with a view of expediting action of that Court which is unaccountably slow. I urged upon them again the very great importance of avoiding a total paralysis of the legislative power by failure to announce results of elections before first Monday in April. Delay of fourteen days by the Supreme Court in [Page 678] announcing decision of contested election cases from Camaguey wholly unjustifiable. Am urging Supreme Court to greatest possible expedition in deciding cases, consistent with thoroughness.
- Liga Nacional.↩