
The British Foreign Office to the British Ambassador at Washington (Geddes)48

Some doubt appears to exist as to nature and locality of preliminary consultations or conversations which United States Government has signified its willingness to hold before meeting of Pacific conference at Washington later in the Autumn. Further, in tangle of correspondence by telegraph between interested parties there appears to be grave danger that scheme may miscarry not because there is any real difference between us but because of misunderstandings which personal intercourse could easily explain. Please see Secretary of State at once and say not only do His Majesty’s Government attach utmost importance to such a preliminary conversation between representatives of United States Japan and British Empire at a very early date but so vital do they regard matter that they are prepared although Session of Parliament [Page 46] is not yet over to make arrangements for meeting of Ministers to cross Atlantic in order to discuss these questions on American soil.

Object of meeting which need not be lengthy would be to consider agenda for larger conference and if possible arrive at common understanding on wider principles which should underlie future Pacific policy of three Powers.

We are strongly of opinion it would be desirable to select some other site than Washington since latter is already associated with larger conference later on and countries which have been invited to latter might take umbrage if they found themselves excluded from preliminary gathering at the same place. On the other hand no one could complain of informal conversations elsewhere between representatives of three Great Powers principally concerned in Pacific in order to discuss arrangements for subsequent conference. The nearer the place of meeting to England the more convenient for reasons of time would it be to ourselves in order to curtail as far as possible period in which Ministers will be absent. At end of session even a day saved counts.

If the United States Government is disposed to issue such an invitation and if Japan’s acceptance is secured Prime Minister accompanied by Dominion Premiers would be willing to start with as little delay as possible for selected spot.

In making this suggestion please assure Secretary of State that His Majesty’s Government are actuated by sincere desire to further policy so happily initiated by United States Government and by confidential interchange of friendly views in advance to remove obstacles which threaten seriously to jeopardise success.

  1. Handed to the Secretary of State by the British Ambassador, July 27, 1921.