592.51 A 4/67a
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
Sir: I have to inform you that at the request of the Secretary of Commerce, Doctor Samuel W. Stratton, Director of the Bureau of Standards, has been designated technical delegate on the part of the United States to the Sixth General Conference of Weights and Measures which will meet at Paris in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 27th of the present month for the purpose of considering the signing of a convention modifying the convention relating to weights and measures concluded at Paris on May 20, 1875.
To the Fifth General Conference held in 1913, in addition to Doctor Stratton, who was appointed as technical delegate, Mr. Robert Woods Bliss, at that time Secretary of the Embassy at Paris, was appointed as a second delegate. It is desired that a similar course be followed in the case of the forthcoming conference, and to that end a certificate designating Mr. Sheldon Whitehouse, Counselor of your Embassy, as a delegate to the Sixth Conference has been issued and is enclosed herewith for delivery to him.63
I further enclose for delivery to Doctor Stratton the President’s full power63 authorizing Doctor Stratton and Mr. Whitehouse to sign the modified convention which it is expected the conference will agree on.
You will please inform the French Government of these designations.
I am [etc.]