Operation of the Chinese Eastern Railway75

75. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1920, vol. i, pp. 679727.

Proposal by the United States to Amend the Allied Agreement of January 1919—Failure of Certain Powers to Discharge Their Obligations to the Railway—American and British Opposition to a Chinese Proposal for a Bond Issue—Rejection by Japan of the American Proposal for a Revised Plan of Operation

[515] Memorandum by the Department of State


[516] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/1930: Telegram

[517] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis)

861.77/1960a: Telegram

[519] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State

861.77/1962: Telegram

[520] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

361.77/1963: Telegram

[521] The Ambassador in France (Wallace) to the Secretary of State

861.77/1965: Telegram

[522] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/1976: Telegram

[523] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/1977: Telegram

[524] The Acting President of the Technical, Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/1995: Telegram

[525] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Harbin (Jenkins)

861.77/1976: Telegram

[527] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Harbin (Jenkins)

861.77/2009: Telegram

[528] The Minister in China (Crane) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2022: Telegram

[529] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2026: Telegram

[530] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2029: Telegram

[531] The Minister in China (Crane) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2033: Telegram

[532] The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Crane)

861.77/2033: Telegram

[533] The Minister in China (Crane) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2043: Telegram

[534] The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Crane)

861.77/2022: Telegram

[535] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2044: Telegram

[537] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Wright)

861.77/1962: Telegram

[538] The Secretary of State to the Consul at Harbin (Jenkins)

861.77/2055: Telegram

[539] The Acting President of the Technical Board (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2062: Telegram

[542] The Secretary of State to the Minister in China (Crane)

861.77/2043: Telegram

[544] The Chargé in Japan (Bell) to the Secretary of State

861.77/2082: Telegram

  1. Text printed from corrected copy received Apr. 21, 6:30 a.m.