The Acting Secretary of the Navy (Coontz) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Referring to your letter of 22 June, 1920, in which you request that a small naval vessel shall make its base at the port of Monrovia for the present, I have the honor to inform you that there is no vessel available which can make its base in Liberian waters at the present time. If the situation absolutely requires it, this Department may be able to have vessels call at Monrovia at intervals, although it is submitted that this requirement would be a source of continuous embarrassment in view of the present international situation in European Waters which requires the continuous presence of all available naval forces in those waters, and in view also of the general shortage of funds under the naval appropriation and the great increase in the price of fuel which render long voyages, especially in waters remote from a reasonable source of fuel supply, most objectionable.
Very truly yours,