760c.61/326: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Poland (Gibson)


399. Your no. 514, September 18, 5 p.m., which reports on the movement by the groups of militarists who surround Pilsudski to prevent Poland from concluding peace and to prepare the country for a new militaristic undertaking.

In the opinion of the Department it is not wise to declare the Department’s views on this matter, but the Department depends upon you, in case you are asked in regard to this subject, to informally and confidentially advise that Poland should not take any such action. It is feared by the Department that if Poland continues the war, without first seeking in every way possible to make peace with the Soviet Government, she will meet with disaster. Your opinion that the people are completely tired of fighting and hence that this movement has not seriously affected them is noted by the Department. It therefore hopes that the popular wish may be fulfilled and that the military party’s effort will meet with discouragement.
