The British Ambassador (Geddes) to the Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour, on instructions from my Government, to inform you that an adequate British Naval force is being dispatched to Dantzig to afford such assistance as may be possible to the High Commissioner with a view to securing Poland’s communications with the sea, in accordance with Article 104 of the Treaty of Versailles which secures Poland’s free and unrestricted use of the port of Dantzig. I understand that the French Government are also dispatching a Naval force with the same end in view.
I am instructed, in concert with my French and Italian colleagues who are, I understand, submitting a similar request,23 to ask that orders may be issued to the Naval forces of the United States to collaborate in the maintenance of order at the port of Dantzig, having particular regard to the effect which American collaboration cannot fail to produce on the population of that port.
I have [etc.]
- Similar French and Italian representations not found in Department files.↩