760c.61/154: Telegram
The Chargé in Poland (White) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 10—3:10 a.m.]
437. Reds advanced on northwest yesterday; in Wyszkow region about 20 kilometers. Their nearest point to Warsaw approximately 30 miles. The Omulew Kiver designated by Weygand10 as line to be held between Lomza and Mlawa has apparently been forced.
The Moscow radio last night expressed willingness to communicate with Poles and listened to the conditions on which they would enter into peace negotiations but it refused to acknowledge receipt or to repeat.
Foreign Office hears that British Fleet is on the way to the Baltic.
First diplomat train leaves to-night. Moffat, myself and one Polish clerk with … codes remain here until Polish Ministers leave.
Sartorius11 with … rest of staff in Posen where there are to be subordinate officers of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Henceforth Warsaw office can only deal with question of politics and evacuation.
Situation referred to in last quarter of my 435 August 712 shows improvement.