The British Chargé (Lindsay) to the Secretary of State
Sir: With reference to recent verbal enquiries made by this Embassy as to the progress of the negotiations for the projected American Loan to Liberia, I have the honour to inform you that reports have reached my Government to the effect that the salaries and expenses of the American officials who have, it is understood, been sent to Liberia in connexion with this Loan, together with the cost of the orders for material placed in this country in anticipation of the conclusion of the Loan, are being defrayed on the authority of the American General Receiver and Financial Adviser to Liberia out of the funds of the Receivership.
I am instructed to bring this report to your notice and to ask that enquiries may be made on the subject since the report, if confirmed, would seem to point to an infringement of the Loan Agreement of 1912 under which the service of the loan is made a first charge on all customs receipts.
I have [etc.]