760c. 61/5: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Secretary of State

155. I learn today, from Polish Minister, that Patek and Lloyd George conferred at London on Monday the 26th. Lloyd George stated that question of war or peace was for Poland to decide, that League of Nations would, no doubt, come to assistance of Poland if she were attacked by the Bolsheviks within her truly Polish boundaries, but she could not expect assistance in holding beyond her ethnological limits. Of these limits he professed himself ignorant, he declined any specific promise of British assistance, and left the distinct impression that he was suggesting peace between Poland and the Bolsheviks. While the Poles believe that they can meet the threatened Bolshevik attack, they nevertheless feel that they should make peace on advantageous terms, if they have no promise from the Allies of [garbled group?] definite assistance. Two months ago, the Bolsheviks would have ceded the historic frontier of Poland, which is far beyond the territory their troops now occupy. They insist that the boundaries they now hold, including the city of Vilna, are truly Polish, and can not be surrendered. Italy is believed to be willing to deal on her own account with the Soviet Government. France, under Clemenceau, was bitterly opposed to any recognition of the Soviets, but her position, under [Page 377] existing conditions, cannot be counted on. The Poles desire to act in accordance with the views of the Allies and are particularly-anxious to know whether American sentiment would be offended if they yielded to necessity and made the best terms possible. This question I declined to answer stating that I would submit it for consideration. I gather that negotiations between Poland and the Bolsheviks are by no means unlikely in the near future.

Warsaw informed.
