Violation by Villistas of neutrality laws of the United States—Crossing into Mexico by American troops: repulse of Villistas from Ciudad Juarez, June 15–16, 1919; pursuit of captors of American aviators—Flying over Mexican territory by American aviators

[505] The Consul at Ciudad Juarez (Dow) to the Acting Secretary of State

812.00/22811: Telegram

[506] The Consul at Ciudad Juarez (Dow) to the Acting Secretary of State

812.00/22812: Telegram

[507] The Consul at Ciudad Juarez (Dow) to the Acting Secretary of State

812.00/22814: Telegram

[508] The Consul at Ciudad Juarez (Dow) to the Acting Secretary of State

812.00/22817: Telegram

[509] The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin)

812.00/22843a: Telegram

[510] The Consul at Ciudad Juarez (Dow) to the Acting Secretary of State

812.00/22822: Telegram

[511] The Consul at Ciudad Juarez (Dow) to the Acting Secretary of State

812.00/22826: Telegram

[513] The Consul at Chihuahua (Stewart) to the Secretary of State

812.0144/158: Telegram

[515] The Consul at Chihuahua (Stewart) to the Secretary of State

812.0144/162: Telegram

[517] The Consul at Chihuahua (Stewart) to the Secretary of State

812.0144/169: Telegram

[518] The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul at Chihuahua (Stewart)

812.0144/169: Telegram

[521] The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State
