811.822/54: Telegram
The Minister in Colombia (Philip) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received May 19, 11.05 p.m.]
71. My May 7th, 11 a.m.70 Note dated 15th instant from Minister for Foreign Affairs states that subsequent to 1915 Government purchased abroad towers, et cetera, for construction of lighthouses on Pacific and Atlantic littoral, and especially in Archipelago of San Andres and Providence, but that owing to war restrictions in the United States it has been impossible to obtain them; that in 1917 the United States Government appropriated various of these supplies which had been prepared for shipment by the “American Gas [Accumulator Co.]”; that the Government has been in communication with the Colombia[n] Minister at Washington, who has been instructed to advise this company that the Government desires it to undertake the work of establishing lighthouses in the Archipelago as soon as the present abnormal situation has been adjusted; finally, that the Colombian Government lacks legal authority to grant to foreign Governments such permission as requested.
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