Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume XIII
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume XIII
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Introduction
- Annex (Documents 1–2)
- I: The Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated
Powers and Germany, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919
- Preamble
- Part I.—The Covenant of the League of Nations
- Part II.—Boundaries of Germany
- Part III.—Political Clauses for Europe
- Section I.—Belgium (Art. 31 to 39)
- Section II.—Luxemburg (Art. 40 to 41)
- Section III.—Left bank of the Rhine (Art. 42 to 44)
- Section IV.—Saar Basin (Art. 45 to 50)
- Section V.—Alsace-Lorraine (Art. 51 to 79)
- Section VI.—Austria (Art. 80)
- Section VII.—Czecho-Slovak State (Art. 81 to 86)
- Section VIII.—Poland (Art. 87 to 93)
- Section IX.—East Prussia (Art. 94 to 98)
- Section X.—Memel (Art. 99)
- Section XI.—Free City of Danzig (Art. 100 to 108)
- Section XII.—Schleswig (Art. 109 to 114)
- Section XIII.—Heligoland (Art. 115)
- Section XIV.—Russia and Russian States (Art. 116 and 117)
- Part IV.—German Rights and Interests Outside
- Section I.—German Colonies (Art. 119 to 127)
- Section II.—China (Art. 128 to 134)
- Section III.—Siam (Art. 135 to 137)
- Section IV.—Liberia (Art. 138 to 140)
- Section V.—Morocco (Art. 141 to 146)
- Section VI.—Egypt (Art. 147 to 154)
- Section VII.—Turkey and Bulgaria (Art. 155)
- Section VIII.—Shantung (Art. 156 to 158)
- Part V.—Military, Naval and Air Clauses
- Section I.—Military clauses
- Chapter I.—Effectives and cadres of the German Army (Art. 159 to 163)
- Chapter II.—Armament, munitions and material (Art. 164 to 172)
- Chapter III.—Recruiting and military training (Art. 173 to 179)
- Chapter IV.—Fortifications (Art. 180)
- Table No. 1.—State and establishment of Army Corps Headquarters Staffs and of Infantry and Cavalry Divisions
- Table No. 2.—Tabular statement of Armament establishment for a maximum of 7 Infantry Divisions, 3 Cavalry Divisions and 2 Army corps Headquarters Staffs
- Table No. 3.—Maximum stocks authorised
- Section II.—Naval clauses (Art. 181 to 197)
- Section III.—Air clauses (Art. 198 to 202)
- Section IV.—Inter-Allied Commissions of Control (Art. 203 to 210)
- Section V.—General articles (Art. 211 to 213)
- Section I.—Military clauses
- Part VI.—Prisoners of War and Graves
- Part VII—Penalties
- Part VIII—Reparation
- Part IX—Financial Clauses
- Part X.—Economic Clauses
- Section I.—Commercial relations
- Section II.—Treaties (Art. 282 à 295)
- Section III.—Debts (Art. 296)
- Section IV.—Property, rights and interests (Art. 297 and 298)
- Section V.—Contracts, prescriptions, judgments (Art. 299 to 303)
- Section VI.—Mixed arbitral tribunal (Art. 304 and 305)
- Section VII.—Industrial property (Art. 306 to 311)
- Section VIII.—Social and State insurance in ceded territory (Art. 312)
- Part XI.—Aerial Navigation
- Part XII.—Ports, Waterways and Railways
- Section I.—General provisions (Art. 321 to 326)
- Section II.—Navigation
- Chapter I.—Freedom of navigation (Art. 327)
- Chapter II.—Free zones in ports (Art. 328 to 330)
- Chapter III.—Clauses relating to the Elbe, the Oder, the Niemen (Russstrom-Memel-Niemen) and the Danube
- Chapter IV.—Clauses relating to the Rhine and the Moselle (Art. 354 to 362)
- Chapter V.—Clauses giving to the Czecho-Slovak State the use of northern ports (Art. 363 and 364)
- Section III.—Railways
- Section IV.—Disputes and revision of permanent clauses (Art. 376 to 378)
- Section V.—Special provision (Art. 379)
- Section VI.—Clauses relating to the Kiel Canal (Art. 380 to 386)
- Part XIII.—Labour
- Part XIV.—Guarantees
- Part XV.—Miscellaneous Provisions
- 1. Protocol to the Treaty of Peace, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919
- 2. Protocol signed by Germany at Paris, January 10, 1920
- II: Other Treaties related to the Treaty of Peace with
- 1. Assistance to France in the event of unprovoked aggression by Germany.—Agreement between the United States and France, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919
- 2. Agreement with regard to the military occupation of the territories of the Rhine, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919
- 3. Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, signed at Versailles, June 28, 1919
- 4. Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Czechoslovakia, signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919
- 5. Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the contributions to the cost of liberation of the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919
- 6. Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Italian reparation payments, signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919
- Appendix: Certain Treaties for execution or modification of
the treaty of peace with Germany
- Relating to Part II, Section III
- Relating to Part VIII
- 2. “Wilson - Lloyd George agreement” concerning German tonnage, signed at Paris, May 8, 1919
- 3. Agreement regarding priority in reparation payments to Belgium, approved by the Council of Principal Allied and Associated Powers, June 24, 1919
- 4. Agreement between Great Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan and Portugal for the settlement of certain questions as to the application of the treaties of peace and complementary agreements with Germany, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria, signed at Spa, July 16, 1920
- 5. Schedule of payments, May 5, 1921, prescribing the time and manner for securing and discharging the entire obligation of Germany for reparation under Articles 231, 232 and 233 of the Treaty of Versailles
- 6. Agreement between Great Britain, Belgium, France, Italy and Japan respecting the distribution of German reparation payments, signed at Paris, March 11, 1922
- 7. Agreement between the United States of America and Great Britain, France, Italy and Belgium in regard to the reimbursement of the costs of the American Army of Occupation, signed at Paris, May 25, 1923
- Relating to Committee of Experts’ (Dawes)
- 8. Agreement between the Reparation Commission and the German Government, signed at London, August 9, 1924
- 9. Agreement between the Allied Governments and the German Government concerning the agreement of August 9, 1924, between the German Government and the Reparation Commission, signed at London, August 30, 1924
- 10. Inter-Allied Agreement, signed at London, August 30, 1924
- 11. Agreement regarding the distribution of the Dawes annuities,
signed at Paris, January 14, 1925
- 11a. Agreement regulating the amounts to be allocated out of the second Dawes annuity for the Armies of Occupation in the Rhineland, the Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission, and the Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control in Germany, signed at Paris, September 21, 1925
- 11b. Arrangement between the Government of the United States of America and the German Government, effected by an exchange of notes, Berlin, December 8, 1926
- 11c. Agreement by the Allied and Associated Powers regulating amounts to be allocated for certain purposes from the Dawes annuities, done at Paris, January 13, 1927
- Relating to New (Young) Plan
- 12. Agreement between Germany, Belgium, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, regarding the complete and final settlement of the question of reparations, signed at The Hague, January 20, 1930
- 13. Agreement between Germany and the United States providing for the final discharge of obligations of Germany to the United States in respect of the awards of the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany, and the costs of the United States Army of Occupation, signed at Washington, June 23, 1930
- Index
- Maps