Paris Peace Conf. 180.03501/27
Notes of a Meeting of the Heads of Delegations of the Five Great
Powers Held in M. Pichon’s Room at the Quai d’Orsay, Paris, on Friday,
August 8, 1919, at 3:30 p.m.
Paris, August 6, 1919, 3:30 p.m.
- Present
- America, United States of
- Secretary
- British Empire
- The Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour.
- Secretaries
- Mr. H. Norman.
- Sir G. Clerk.
- France
- Secretaries
- M. Dutasta.
- M. Berthelot.
- M. de St-Quentin.
- Italy
- Secretary
- Japan
- Secretary
Joint Secretariat |
America, United States of |
Captain Chapin. |
British Empire |
Commander Bell. |
France |
Captain A. Portier. |
Italy |
Lt.-Colonel A. Jones. |
Interpreter—Prof. P. J.
Mantoux. |
(Marshal Foch and the Military Representatives of the Supreme War Council
were present.)
M. Clemenceau communicated a letter from the
Financial Italian Delegation on this subject to the Council (See
Appendix “A”). Financial Situation in Fiume
M. Tittoni asked that the question should be
submitted to the Finance Committee for examination and report.
(It was therefore agreed that the letter from the Italian Delegation with
regard to the Financial Situation in Fiume should be submitted to the
Finance Committee for examination and report.)
2. M. Clemenceau asked whether the Americans
had any news from Budapest.
Mr. Polk communicated a telegram contained in
Appendix “B”.
Situation in Hungary
M. Clemenceau said that he did not see that
the Council could do anything at present.
[Page 621]
Mr. Balfour, commenting upon the telegram,
asked why the Allied and Associated representatives at Vienna had
received some, and not all, of the instructions given to the Committee
of General Officers.
Mr. Polk said that he could only say that the
instructions had been sent through Warsaw [to?] General Gorton.
General Sackville-West said that the
instructions had been sent on the previous day, in writing, and by
telegram. The former would go by courier, but the latter would have to
be communicated by the best means that the Allied representatives in
Vienna could devise.
Mr. Balfour asked whether the American
organisation for telegraphic communication with Central Europe had been
Mr. Norman replied that an attempt had been
made to send the communication by wireless telegraph from the Eiffel
Mr. Balfour said that he did not think the
question was of great importance, so long as every means had been
employed for communicating with the Allied and Associated
representatives concerned.
M. Tittoni then drew attention to the
instructions to the four Generals, dealing with the distribution of war
materials to the Allies (See Appendix “B” of H. D. 24l).
He thought that the insertion of the phrase in the instructions in
question was somewhat premature. He understood, that the Council was to
decide finally on the distribution of the total war material taken from
the enemy, on the general principle that each Ally was to have a share
proportionate to its effort. The question, therefore, still remained to
be settled.
Mr. Balfour said that he did not quite
understand how the phrase objected to by M. Tittoni had been
M. Clemenceau agreed with the principle
enunciated by M. Tittoni, and said that he thought a telegram should be
sent to the Generals.
General Weygand said that he would draft the
necessary telegram to the Generals.
(It was decided that General Weygand should send a telegram to the four
Generals on the Commission to Budapest, informing them that as the
general principle governing the distribution of enemy war material to
the Allies had not as yet been decided on by the Council, their
functions in the matter should be limited to making such recommendations
as they might think fit.)
3. Mr. Balfour stated that the Austrian
Delegation had just sent in a general reply on the subject of the peace
terms. The communications in question would be sent to the various
Committees for examination, in accordance with the procedure
established. Furthermore, each Committee would report separately on the
points in the Note with which
[Page 622]
it was immediately concerned. The Council, after receiving and
considering the replies of these various Committees, would send them to
the Co-ordinating Committee for the necessary action. He therefore
proposed a modification of the procedure, which would consist in sending
the replies of the various Committees to the Coordinating Committee
first, which latter body, after considering them as a whole, should
report to the Council. Replies to Austrian
Captain Portier informed Mr. Balfour that this
procedure had already been adopted.
4. (The Finance Experts entered the Room.)
M. Cheysson drew the attention of the Council
to the telegram contained in Appendix “C”. He said the Council was faced
with the alternative of the eventual bankruptcy of the Turkish state, or
of partially consenting to the measures which the Ottoman Government
were taking. He thought it would be better to have further information
before taking definite measures. Such information would take the form of
a general report on the financial position of the Turkish Government. He
did not think that it would be proper to allow the Turks to proceed with
the sale of state property without further enquiry. He suggested that
they should be asked why the sale of their credits and property was so
urgent, and what form of realisable property they proposed to sell. Sale of State Property by the Ottoman
M. Tittoni said that he agreed with M. Cheysson
as to the need of a general report upon the financial position of
Turkey. He thought, however, that a distinction should be made between
- (1)
- the private property of the Sultan
- (2)
- the properties of religious foundations, and
- (3)
- the State domains.
No. 3 constituted a fund of State property which was a most important
guarantee of ultimate reparation. The private property of the Crown
could be sold by the Turkish Govt. as it could not be regarded as
confiscated property, subjected to the payment of war damages. The
properties of religious foundations could not be seized in payment of
war damages, and the Turkish Government might, in a similar manner, sell
M. Cheysson said that in the Peace Treaties
with Austria and Germany, the Crown property had been regarded as
belonging genuinely to the State, and as being, in consequence, liable
to confiscation.
M. Tittoni said that he could not quite agree,
as a distinction had been established between the private and public
property of the Ruler, the later falling under the jurisdiction of the
National Executive.
M. Pichon said that he did not think that
distinctions of the kind were applicable to Eastern countries, and that
it would be better to adopt a simpler general rule.
[Page 623]
M. Tittoni said that he only desired that in
communicating a general report upon the financial situation in Turkey,
the Financial Commission should take into consideration the point that
he had raised.
Mr. Balfour asked whether, under the terms of
the Armistice, we were empowered to ask for the exact information
required. Could we, for instance, have made a similar request to
M. Cheysson remarked that he thought that until
such time as the Peace Treaty should be signed, the Allied and
Associated Governments were able to take whatever measures they thought
necessary for the preservation of their interests.
Mr. Polk said that as it would be a long time
before the final peace could be arrived at, with Turkey, and as the
existing Armistice was incomplete in certain points, due to its having
been drawn up at an early period, would it not be advantageous to draft
a more complete and conclusive Armistice, which would enable us to tide
over the intervening time?
Mr. Balfour said that he thought Mr. Polk’s
suggestion, if put into effect, would be a trifle high-handed.
Mr. Polk suggested that the necessary measures
might be effected by mutual agreement.
Mr. Dulles drew attention to the fact that in
the successive Armistices imposed upon Germany, measures had been taken
with a view to preserving securities and other properties for the
purposes of ultimate reparations.
Mr. Balfour agreed, but said that these
additional terms had only been imposed in exchange for concessions on
other points granted by the German Government.
M. Clemenceau said that he thought the
necessary measures could only be put into effect by Treaty
Mr. Balfour then suggested that it might be
- 1.
- To refuse to recognise the sales of property now being carried
out by the Turkish Government until the final signature of the
Peace Treaty. Such a measure would put prospective purchasers on
their guard, and
- 2.
- After receiving a full report on the financial position of the
Ottoman Government, authorisation might be given to proceed with
sales of a certain class, in order that the Turkish Empire might
be saved from bankruptcy.
(It was therefore decided:—
- 1.
- That a communication should be sent to the Ottoman Government
through the French High Commissioner at Constantinople,
informing it that the Allied and Associated Governments refused,
and would refuse to recognise the validity of any sales,
effected by such Government, between the signature of the
Armistice and the ratification of the Peace Treaty.
- 2.
- That the Allied and Associated Governments should reserve to
themselves the right to grant special licenses to the Ottoman
Government for the sale of such property as the aforesaid
Ottoman Government might desire to realise: the conditions of
sale, and the property to be realised, being specified, in
detail, beforehand, to the Allied and Associated
- 3.
- That the Financial Commission should enquire into, and
present, a general report on the financial position of the
Ottoman Government, and should examine the question of the sale
by that Government of
- (a)
- Private properties of the Crown.
- (b)
- Properties belonging to religious foundations.
- (c)
- State domains.
5. (At this point Colonel Peel entered the Room and M. Cheysson
Colonel Peel presented and remarked on the
proposals put forward by the Reparations Commission (see Appendix
He drew attention to the observations made by the Delegations of the
Greek, Roumanian and Jugo-Slav Governments on the subject of the
Reparation Clauses, and to the opinion of the Reparation Commission upon
the criticism raised against the articles in the Peace Treaty dealing
with reparations by Bulgaria. Reparation and
Financial Clauses in the Peace Treaty With Bulgaria
In conclusion, he drew attention to the calculation made by the American
Delegation on the subject of reparations in Balkan countries. The
results of this calculation were that the reparations to be paid by
Bulgaria were to be regarded as a national payment of Fes. 600. for each
citizen. The total load of debt and obligations upon Serbia, represented
a payment of Fes. 300. per citizen.
Finally, he wished that a modification should be inserted into Article
14, so as to enable the Reparations Commission to collect debts due by
Germany to the National Bank of Bulgaria.
(It was agreed:—
- (1)
- To accept the figure of 2¼ milliards of Francs, which the
Reparations Commission considered to be the maximum sum payable
by Bulgaria.
- (2)
- To accept the findings of the Commission with regard to the
debts due by Germany to Bulgaria, and by Bulgaria to Germany,
and not to add such credits to the total sum payable by the
Bulgarian Government.
- (3)
- To accept the findings of the Reparations Commission on the
subject of the cattle and live stock to be delivered by the
Bulgarians to the Serbs.
- (4)
- That neither Greece, nor Roumania, nor Jugo-Slavia should be
represented on the Interallied Committee for Bulgaria.
- (5)
- That Article 14 of the Financial and Reparation Clauses should
be modified in such a manner as to allow the Reparations
Commission to collect debts due by Germany to the National Bank
of Bulgaria.)
[Page 625]
6. Marshal Foch explained his report (see
Annexe “E”) on the subject of the German Forces in the 10 kilometre and
50 kilometre zones on the right bank of the Rhine.
(It was agreed that Marshal Foch’s proposals with regard to the German
Military forces for maintaining order in the 10 kilometre and the 50
kilometre zones on the right bank of the Rhine should be accepted.)
7. Marshal Foch said that the question to be
discussed had been brought forward in his letter of the 6th of August to
the President of the Council (see Annexe “F”). His conclusion had been,
that the Council ought to take an immediate resolution with regard to
the constitution of the Allied Forces, and to the total forces
necessary. Army of Occupation in Upper Silesia and
Dantzig Area: (a) Upper Silesia
M. Clemenceau asked whether Italy should be
regarded as consenting to participate in the occupation.
Marshal Foch replied that he understood that
Italy would participate, and that contributions to the forces would come
from four sources.
M. Clemenceau said that the question before the
Council was whether each Country consented to send a quarter of the
total effectives.
Mr. Balfour said that Great Britain was quite
willing to send her share; but that a practical difficulty with regard
to the provisioning of the troops called for solution. It would be very
difficult for Great Britain to send the necessary provisions to any of
its forces stationed in Upper Silesia; On the other hand, such an
operation would be relatively easy for France. He therefore proposed
that the Headquarter Staffs should examine the question of distributing
the troops. England might take a greater share in any operations
affecting the coastal regions, such as Dantzig; whilst France might make
a proportionately larger contribution towards operations in such regions
as Upper Silesia. The total force would be the same; only the disposal
of the troops would be modified.
M. Clemenceau remarked that a decision had been
arrived at, to the effect that the forces of occupation in Upper Silesia
should be taken from the Armies in the Rhine territories.3 The question of transport had not therefore
arisen, since troops taken from such sources would probably be sent by
land. Since the provisioning of the troops on the left bank of the Rhine
was carried out en bloc, the same thing would probably hold good for
military forces in Upper Silesia. It was most important that all forces
of occupation sent out by the Allies to various parts of Europe should,
in every case, comprise a certain number of men from each one of the
Allied and Associated Powers. This principle was particularly important
in such
[Page 626]
areas as Dantzig. He
did not make any concrete proposal, but considered that the spirit of
the Treaty would be violated by failing to make all forces of
occupation, composite, Inter-Allied, Units.
Marshal Foch said that he concluded from Mr.
Balfour’s remark that the British Army would be represented in Upper
Mr. Balfour said the British forces would
certainly take part in that occupation.
General Bliss said that a decision had been
arrived at, to the effect that every Army was to be represented on the
Rhine. He was of the opinion that the command in any one locality should
be homogeneous. The United States would contribute. With regard to the
proportion of troops to be furnished by each nation, he reminded the
Council that he had been a Member of each Committee that had examined
the problem, when the question of the Army of Occupation on the Rhine
had been discussed. He had told President Wilson that the figure arrived
at for the United States Forces was an absolute minimum. His
observations had therefore been accepted and the necessary orders given.
He had thought, however, that the American troops were to remain on the
Rhine, and were not to be sent into Upper Silesia. It would therefore be
necessary for him to ask President Wilson whether the United States
contingent for the Rhine should be considered as indivisible, and, if
sent elsewhere, whether it should be replaced.
M. Clemenceau said that when the question of
the occupation of the Rhine had been discussed, President Wilson’s plan
of an Inter-Allied occupation had been accepted in spite of his (M.
Clemenceau’s) opposition. It therefore seemed difficult to admit that
President Wilson was in a position to discuss the matter further.
Mr. Balfour said that he believed General Belin
had informed the Council that a Division in Upper Silesia could be of
strategical use in the event of the recurrence of active operations on
the Western Front.
General Bliss said that he was sure that
President Wilson would make no objection. The only point to be
considered was whether the United States force should be regarded as a
Unit not capable of division, and whether if it were sent to Upper
Silesia, it should be replaced on the Rhine by other troops.
Mr. Polk said that the question was one of
M. Clemenceau said that he realised, that, from
a practical point of view, it would be better for certain Units in the
Armies of Occupation not to be Inter-Allied Forces. From the political
point of view, however, it was most important that Occupation Forces
should be so constituted; this was more particularly desirable in view
of the fact that the Allied soldiers had always worked well together,
and that no friction had risen between them.
[Page 627]
Mr. Balfour said that he agreed with M.
Clemenceau. It was most advantageous to show everywhere, that the Allies
remained associated together in the achievement of certain objects. He
did not foresee any difficulty with regard to the troops; but he did
anticipate numerous practical difficulties with regard to provisioning.
He proposed that Marshal Foch should examine the problem in
collaboration with the Headquarter Staffs of the various Governments
M. Tittoni said that he did not think that the
principle of equal contribution had ever been accepted, and that he
could not undertake to furnish a quarter of the total effectives in the
Division for Upper Silesia, more especially as Italy had no troops on
the Rhine.
M. Clemenceau said that although there were no
Italian troops on the Rhine, Signor Orlando had none the less accepted
the principle of the Forces of Occupation being divided amongst the
M. Tittoni said that he thought that the
American and British Governments had made reservations.
M. Clemenceau said that these Governments had
consented to furnish their contingents; the only reservations that they
had made, dealt with the subject of the distribution of troops in
certain specified sectors.
Marshal Foch asked whether he was to understand
that the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy, would
participate equally in the occupation of Upper Silesia.
M. Tittoni said that he accepted the principle,
but made a reservation with regard to the number of effectives to be
M. Clemenceau answered that the principle of
Inter-Allied occupation had been proposed by President Wilson, and
accepted by all. It had been completely understood that an equal
representation was intended; for, when no such understanding had been
arrived at, the question had been raised and decided. This had been the
principle arrived at for the Rhine. No statement had ever been made to
the effect that unequal contributions would be given by the various
Governments to the Army of Occupation in Silesia. Mr. Balfour and Mr.
Polk had accepted the general principle, and he asked M. Tittoni to give
his consent to it.
M. Tittoni said that the theatre in which the
operation was to take place was further away from Italy than it was from
other countries.
M. Clemenceau said that such a fact might be an
excuse for Italian troops arriving late, but that he insisted on knowing
whether M. Tittoni did, or did not, accept the principle that Italy
should supply a quarter of the total effectives necessary for the
occupation of Upper Silesia.
M. Tittoni said that he accepted the
[Page 628]
(It was decided that the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy,
should each supply a quarter of the total effectives necessary for
occupation of Upper Silesia.
It was further decided that Marshal Foch, in collaboration with the
Allied Headquarters Staff should consider what advantage would be
derived from each of that [the] Allied
Governments being represented in the Forces of Occupation in Eastern
Europe. Marshal Foch should further consider the disadvantages which
might arise from the constitution of composite Inter-Allied Forces,
owing to difficulties of provisioning each of these contingents, and
from any friction that might occur between the soldiers of the Allied
Nations. Finally, Marshal Foch was to submit a report on what he
considered would be the most advantageous distribution of the Allied
Marshal Foch said that the same question arose
with regard to Danzig and Memel, which were occupied by Inter-Allied
troops. He asked whether the principle of equal contingents had been
accepted. (b) Danzig and Memel
Mr. Balfour said that the principle was not
disputed. What ought to be decided was whether it would not be more
practical for each Government to have its forces concentrated in certain
sectors, so as to simplify the problem of provisioning. The total number
of effectives in each locality would not be altered; he took as an
example the occupations of Upper Silesia, and of Danzig, and of Memel.
It might be decided that the British contingent in Upper Silesia ought
to be replaced by a French contingent of equal strength. In compensation
for such an arrangement, France would not have to send any contingent to
Danzig. On such a basis, France would only have to send provisions to
Upper Silesia, and not to Danzig; whilst Great Britain would only send
provisions to Danzig, and not to Upper Silesia. He wished the problem,
as he had brought it forward, to be studied by Marshal Foch and the
Allied Headquarters Staffs.
Marshal Foch stated that the Upper Silesia
question had been settled and ought not to be raised afresh. He asked
for a decision with regard to Danzig and to Memel.
General Weygand said that the articles in the
Peace Treaty were different with regard to the two regions. The
Inter-Allied occupation of Upper Silesia had been decided upon, but no
such decision had been taken with regard to Danzig. The question had
been laid before the Supreme Council at Versailles; but the military
experts had not been able to agree to the necessity of sending troops of
occupation. The French Delegation favoured such a measure; the British
and American Delegations opposed it. A decision was very necessary.
M. Tittoni remarked that in a previous
discussion it had been decided that German troops should evacuate
Dantzig, which should not be occupied by Polish forces; and that the
question of sending
[Page 629]
Inter-Allied troops into that region should be adjourned.5 Troops should only be sent into the Danzig region
if thought necessary by the members of the Delimitation Committee on the
Mr. Balfour said that in his opinion only a
very few troops would be necessary for Danzig. The Germans, whose
propaganda might have been serious, now seemed to be resigned and the
situation in this locality had much improved. He did not think that it
was therefore very urgent to come to an immediate decision.
General Weygand said that the difficulty arose
from the fact that officers sent out to the regions in question might at
any moment ask for troops. The High Command must keep this in mind in
drawing up its general military programme. At the present moment all
armies were demobilising. Soldiers were returning to their civil
occupations and if the constitution of this contingent were not decided
upon it might be impossible to form it when desired.
M. Tittoni said that the troops would only be
sent if the officers on particular Commissions and Committee asked for
them. Such officers could not even take up their posts until the
ratification of the Treaty and this fact gave us time to consider the
M. Clemenceau said that it was therefore
decided that Marshal Foch should only examine the question of Upper
General Weygand said that the Danzig question
was also important and read out a telegram received that day from
General Henrys:6
The Polish Government requests me to intervene with you in order to
obtain the dispatch of two Allied battalions to guard the supplies
transported from Dunkerque to Dantzig, and to prevent thefts at
I should be grateful to be informed of the intention of the Allies on
the subject of the operation of the Polish base at Dantzig. If an
Interallied Commission is to be charged with the management of the
port and of transportation at Dantzig, I consider that it would be
to my advantage to be represented on the Commission for questions of
transport which directly concern the forwarding of supplies to
The question of sending Allied troops to Dantzig and Memel was
M. Georgi then entered the room. Allied Armies and the Clearing Up of
M. Clemenceau asked M. Georgi to explain
the question of the participation of the armies in the work of
clearing up battlefields in the liberated regions.
M. Georgi explained the text of the letter,
dated 30th June, 1919,
[Page 630]
sent by the Minister of the liberated regions to the President of
the Peace Conference (See Appendix G).
Mr. Balfour said that the question was
simply a labour problem.
General Weygand said that the position was
as follows: after the armistice of the 11th November, 1918, the
American army had been split up into two portions. The first portion
had moved eastwards towards the Rhine; the other had moved back
towards its bases preparatory to re-embarkation. As a result of
this, the zone occupied by it at the time of the armistice had been
completely evacuated. But the zone in question had not been the
theatre of protracted battles; it had therefore been less
devastated, and less obstructed by débris, than other portions of
the front.
The French troops that had taken over the old American sectors had
cleaned up the area and restored order, with the result that the
general work of clearance was in a more advanced state in that
sector than it was in others. In the British sector, on the other
hand, English troops had remained in occupation throughout, since
they needed it as a means of communication with their bases. In
addition to this, the sector occupied by the British army in
November 1918 had been the theatre of long and protracted struggles,
in which the artillery of the combatants had deluged the whole area
with machine gun fire and projectiles.
Extensive protective fortifications had been set up throughout the
area. The result was, that in this zone, the work of reconstruction
and clearing was enormous, and was, moreover, very far behind. The
British sector ran into Belgian territory; and the Belgians had
asked frequently for assistance in restoring order in their war
zone. It was in the sector just described that the assistance, and
collaboration, of British troops was asked for. At the present
moment, General Asser8 was concerned in sending back to England all men
who could possibly be of use. All deteriorated ammunition, and all
abandoned German ammunition had been left behind.
M. Clemenceau called attention to the fact,
that an agreement had been reached between the Allies, to the effect
that each body of troops should be responsible for cleaning up the
sector occupied by it at the time of the armistice.
Mr. Balfour said that he did not know
M. Georgi said that the agreement in
question was recorded by a letter dated 14th January, 1919, in which
Field-Marshal Sir Douglas Haig undertook to clean up the zone
occupied by the British Armies. He had also offered to assist the
Mr. Balfour said that the result of the
situation was that the more an ally had fought, the longer it would
remain behind after
[Page 631]
conclusion of hostilities, to clear up the sector occupied by its
M. Clemenceau objected to the form in which
the question had been raised. He reminded the Council that it had
been France’s misfortune to supply the battlefields. He did not lay
particular emphasis on this sad privilege, but merely stated it. It
had been decided that each combatant should clear up in its own
sector. If one of the Allies could not consent to doing this, France
would necessarily have to carry it out.
Mr. Balfour said he had only wished to draw
a conclusion, and to note that, as the Americans had not fought for
such a long time, and had been engaged in an easier sector, the
French had done the work of clearing for them, after they had left.
The British troops had been bitterly engaged for four years, and
they were now asked to remain behind, for many months, in order to
clear up the sectors that they had occupied. The British Government
in no way withdrew from the obligations that it had entered
M. Clemenceau said that there was no
question of obligation. It was simply one of assistance.
Mr. Balfour said that he fully understood
the situation in which France stood. More than that, every
Englishman understood it, and all the other Allies as well. All
obligations would be carried out.
M. Clemenceau said that he only wished the
question to be put before the British military men, to see whether
help could be given. By doing this, the French would be gratified
and assisted.
General Weygand said that he wished to make
a practical proposal. Would it not be possible to form an
Interallied military committee at the Ministry of Liberated Regions,
in order to study the question in detail? It would be quite
sufficient that each Government should make Mr. Balfour’s words the
instructions to its representative. This would ensure the problem
being examined in a general spirit of good will.
M. Clemenceau said that the French were not
asking for British troops, because the clearing work was being
carried out, as far as possible, with German prisoners. Great
Britain was asked to help, simply because it had not been possible
to carry on the work of clearing in the zones of the British Armies.
He asked, therefore, whether it would not be possible for the
British Government to employ the German prisoners at present in the
British Army zones.
(It was decided to nominate an Interallied Military Commission, which
should sit at the Ministry of Liberated Regions, and should study
the practical means that might be employed to ensure the cooperation
of the Allied Armies in the work of clearing up the munitions, and
war materials, left in the liberated regions.
[Page 632]
It was further decided that Marshal Foch should collaborate with the
Commissariat-Général for the reconstruction of the liberated regions
in making nomination to the above Interallied Committee.)
9. (M. Georgi then left the room, and General Nollet entered.)
Organisation of Inter-Allied Committees of
General Nollet said that as he was the
President of the Interallied Commission of Military Control, he
could not speak for the Naval and Aerial Commissions of Control. The
Military Commission was divided into three sub-committees:—
- (a)
- The Sub-Committee for Arms and Munitions.
- (b)
- The Sub-Committee for Effectives and Recruiting.
- (c)
- The Sub-Committee for Fortifications.
Sub-Committee (a) was at the present moment
the most important. There were large numbers of trained men in
Germany at the present time. If German arms and munitions were taken
away, the value of these trained men would disappear, and security
would result. This had been the reason for the provision in the
Peace Treaty whereby the time for the reduction of the German forces
to an ordinary standard had been limited to three months. The
Sub-Committee in question would have to see to it, that all
material, in excess of what had been laid down, should be handed
over to the Allied and Associated Governments. It would, moreover,
actively supervise the production of the numerous factories in
Germany to prevent the country from taking up the production of war
material in a disguised form. It was evident that this sub-committee
ought to have a considerable personnel, and a large number of
specialists, in order to be able to act with rapidity. The field of
its operations extended over the whole German Army, and all the
factories of Germany.
Sub-Committee (b) had a different character.
Its immediate functions were obviously most important, but its work
in the future would be of far greater consequence. The avowed, and
actual, intentions of Germany could only be ascertained with
certainty by studying closely the manner in which German
mobilisation would be carried out, and by examining the new
legislation of that country. The members of this Sub-Committee would
have to study German organisation from this point of view, and would
have to see how all the questions enumerated affected the general
situation. The Sub-Committee might be composed of a smaller,
non-specialist, personnel.
Sub-Committee (c) on fortifications would have
an easier task. Fortified works could not be disguised. Their
position was actually known, and they were largely in the territory
that had fallen to France. The remainder were mostly in the Rhine
territories, now under French occupation.
[Page 633]
The whole Military Commission of Control, as outlined, would be very
important. It would have to be constituted by 350 officers, 150
Interpreters, and 800 ordinary soldiers. He thought that the figures
given ought to be regarded as the minimum of what was necessary, in
view of the large number of problems that would have to be studied
locally, and the rapidity with which examinations would have to be
effected. After the ratification of the Treaty, it would be
necessary to spread a whole network of investigating bodies over
Germany. He called upon the Council to examine the figures put
forward by him, and to remember that the whole Committee would be an
Inter-Allied body, and not a French one.
Mr. Balfour said that he was entirely in
agreement with General Nollet’s conclusion with regard to the
numerous personnel necessary for carrying out the work of the
Inter-Allied Commission of Control. Practical difficulties would,
however, arise in points of detail, such as the transporting,
provisioning and quartering of the staffs. As British
representative, he would like to propose that the three Inter-Allied
Commissions of Control should come under Marshal Foch’s orders, or
else, later on, under the orders of the French General commanding on
the Rhine.
(It was decided that Marshal Foch’s Headquarter Staff, or the
Headquarter Staff of the French Commander on the Rhine, should
settle all questions arising out of the transportation into Germany
of the Inter-Allied Committees of Control, as well as the questions
affecting their quartering and provisioning, when established in
that country.
It was further decided to accept General Nollet’s proposals on the
subject of the personnel out of which the Inter-Allied Commission of
Control should be constituted.)
10. (At this point General Nollet left the room.)
Agreement Between the Military Clauses in the
Peace Treaty With Hungary and Those in the Austrian Peace
General Sackville-West said that a report
had been presented to the Council on the subject of the Military
forces, which might be maintained by the various States of Central
Europe. The report on Austria had been sent back to be modified.
Certain alterations had been put into it, and he asked the Council
whether the articles affecting Hungary were to be remodelled, and
brought into conformity with those in the Peace Treaty with Austria
as finally modified.
General Belin said that the Council had
decided on the maximum number of effectives which were to constitute
the new Hungarian Army.
M. Clemenceau said that the Council could
not reply; since the Hungarian Treaty was not yet complete.
[Page 634]
General Belin said that the Military
Representatives had proposed a maximum figure of 40,000 men for
Austria. The Supreme Council had lowered the figure to 15,000. The
final decision was that an Army of 30,000 men should be allowed. In
the case of Hungary the two extreme figures were 45,000 men and
18,000 men respectively. What figure between these two latter was
the Council going to decide upon.
M. Tittoni said that if the Austrian Peace
Treaty was to be taken as a basis, Hungary ought to be allowed an
Army of 35,000 men.
M. Clemenceau said that in the present
state of the Peace Treaty with Hungary it was difficult to arrive at
an exact figure. He did not see that there was any particular need
for deciding immediately.
M. Tittoni said that the figure had to go
into the Peace Treaty.
M. Clemenceau said that he agreed that the
Military Representatives ought to make the two Treaties agree in
such articles as had been definitely settled. It was quite
impossible to settle the question in the case of articles not
decided upon. Austria had been allowed a large number of effectives
in order to conciliate her and to detach her from German influence.
His own suggestion had been for an Austrian Army of 15,000 men. It
was not possible to settle the Hungarian Army on the basis of the
(It was decided that the Military Representatives should co-ordinate
the articles in the Peace Treaty with Hungary now definitely decided
upon, with the corresponding articles in the Peace Treaty with
11. M. Clemenceau asked that the question
should be adjourned in order that he might discuss it with Mr. Polk.
German Prisoners in the Custody of the
American Armies
(It was therefore decided to adjourn the question.)
12. Mr. Balfour said that it had been the
wish of the British Government not to declare a Blockade on Russia,
but to concert measures for closing the ports of Baltic Russia to
International traffic in which all the Allies could act conjointly.
President Wilson had just replied (See Appendix H) to the effect
that he could not participate in the Allied policy. It was,
therefore, not possible to come to a decision at once, for, whilst
regretting the necessity of abandoning the policy suggested, he
would not adopt another unacceptable to America. At the present
moment commercial transit was not active in the region in question,
and, in another three months, ice conditions would make it
impossible. All that was necessary was to tide over this short
period, and to be ready to reexamine the question if any important
change took place. Blockade of Russia
M. Tittoni remarked that the Blockade of
Hungary had only been declared because Bela Kun had not carried out
the Armistice conditions.
[Page 635]
We were now refusing to Blockade Russia despite the fact that Lenin,
the head of the Bolshevik Government, had defied the elementary laws
of human society. Would not the Allied and Associated Governments be
fully justified, in view of this comparison, in declaring a blockade
on Russia? He was willing, however, to submit to the opinion of his
Mr. Polk said that morally he agreed with
M. Tittoni. But there was an important legal point, which should not
be forgotten. No war had been declared against Russia. He proposed
that President Wilson’s suggestion should be accepted, and that the
Experts should study a means of effecting what was desired by means
of mutual co-operation.
Mr. Balfour accepted Mr. Polk’s
(It was decided that the Experts of the Principal Allied and
Associated Powers should examine the problem of carrying out,
conjointly, measures which should be equivalent to a Blockade of
Russian Baltic ports. When the problem had been fully examined a
report should be made to the Council.)
(The Meeting then adjourned.)
Villa Majestic, Paris, August 8, 1919.
Appendix A to HD–27
[The Italian Plenipotentiary
(Tittoni) to the
President of the Peace Conference (Clemenceau)]
Mr. President: I have the honor to inform
Your Excellency that the Italian Government has just received news
of increasing seriousness on the subject of the monetary situation
at Fiume.
The public has withdrawn from circulation and has hoarded almost all
of the crown pieces which were struck off by the city last April
while awaiting the exchange into Italian money; a great many
Austro-Hungarian notes, with a counterfeit Fiume stamp, are coming
into circulation and the public is compelled to accept them in order
to meet the necessities of existence. Trade with foreign countries
is excessively difficult on account of the scarcity of money which
causes a rise in the price of all commodities and consequently very
deep unrest among the people.
[Page 636]
The situation is indeed very grave, and might induce very troublesome
consequences if the necessary measures should not be taken with the
greatest promptness. The National Council of Fiume has made this
suggestion: that the Italian Government lend its own government
notes and bank-notes to the city of Fiume in the sum required to
retire all the crown pieces struck off by the city itself, which
would adopt provisionally the Italian currency. The Royal Government
would not have any difficulty in accepting this proposal, but it
wished that the Allies be informed of it in advance. It is with that
object that I venture to have recourse to your kindness and to
request you to be so good as to lay this matter before the
Conference: and as any delay might be very injurious, I should be
grateful to you if you would be good enough to have the question
entered in the order of the day for one of the sessions of this
Accept [etc.]
His Excellency, M. Georges
President of the
Peace Conference, Paris.
Appendix B to HD–27
[The Representative at Vienna of the
American Relief Administration (Gregory) to the Director General of
Relief (Hoover)]
Hoover, Paris.
Number HAM 1099 for Logan. Details continue to arrive from Budapest
showing the effect of cutting of communications. Hospitals are
without food. Children also in desperate circumstances. Arranging to
send down immediate temporary supply from Vienna stocks under convoy
of British and Italian and American soldiers. Roumanians continue to
conduct their occupation in the most harassing manner and their
attitude towards Entente representatives who are there is distinctly
hostile and puts us in a humiliating position. The taking away of
horses and cattle is going to still further complicate harvest and
food situation and no doubt withdrawal of army when ordered will be
accompanied by loss of cars, locomotives, horses, cattle and
foodstuffs. The political problem and the independent government of
Hungary is a comparatively simple proposition but must be based on
two propositions, first the immediate withdrawal of Roumanian troops
out of the city and back to their frontiers and second, close
supervision by the four generals who will soon be there of the
conduct of that withdrawal with reference to asportations [deportations?] and pillaging. We have not yet
received full text of instructions
[Page 637]
given to four generals and do not know extent
of their jurisdiction. Please wire that at once. Borghese and
Cunninghame in full accord and while Allizé9a has
expressed his personal opinion on withdrawal does not care to
officially show any interest on the ground that it is outside his
sphere. From certain reliable reports it appears that communist
agitators are already endeavouring to influence Roumanian troops in
Budapest with success. This still further complicates the problem
and accentuates necessity for immediate withdrawals. Only quick
communication with Paris from Budapest of course by wireless which
is now under Roumanian control. Would suggest hereafter that any
messages intended for consideration of any of Entente
representatives be sent over our lines as we have direct telephone
and telegraph office at Budapest. Please repeat to Italian and
British mission.
Appendix C to HD–27
Constantinople, August 1,
Telegram From the French High
Commissioner at Constantinople
The Ottoman Government, the financial situation of which is very
critical, has sold stocks of material belonging in particular to the
administration of the Hedjaz railways.
It proposes to offer for sale the properties of the Domain and of the
These alienations raise the question of ascertaining whether the
Ottoman Government, during the armistice, has the right to diminish
its properties and, in consequence, the common security of the
Allies, of it whether they should, or should not, signify to the
Ottoman Government from procuring indispensable resources and so to
drive it into bankruptcy, or else to allow it to reduce the security
upon which the Allies can count for the reparations which are due
The High Commissioners of the powers at Constantinople have agreed to
submit this question to the Supreme Council and to inquire of it
whether they should, or should not, signify to the Ottoman
Government a prohibition against alienating its properties.
[Page 638]
Appendix D to HD–27
Commission on
August 7, 1919.
Note for the Supreme Council
Observations presented by the delegations of Greece,
Roumania, and the Serb-Croat-Slovene state on the reparations
clauses to be inserted in the conditions of peace with Bulgaria.
The Commission on Reparations has examined the objections presented
by the representatives of Greece, Roumania, and the
Serb-Croat-Slovene state on the clauses of the Bulgarian treaty.
The principal objections are the following:
(1) “The sum demanded from Bulgaria under the head of reparations
would not be large enough”.
The Commission estimated that 2,250,000,000 francs represented the
maximum sum which Bulgaria was in a position to pay. The Commission
sees no reason to modify its opinion (Article 1).
(2) “No allowance should be made to Bulgaria for the debt which she
contracted with Germany and Austria for loans and war supplies.”
(Article 4).
The Commission believes that it would be quite illogical, after
fixing the maximum that Bulgaria can pay, to add an indeterminate
sum, of which the total is, besides, a matter of dispute. The
Commission, when determining the total of the debt imposed upon
Bulgaria, expressly took into account, not only the claims put
forward by Germany and Austria, but also the provisions of article
14 of the financial clauses, by which the obligations of Bulgaria
toward these same powers are transferred to the Allies.
(3) “The numbers of live-stock assigned to Greece, Roumania, and
Serbia by way of restitution would be insufficient” (Article 7).
The Commission, after having consulted the representatives of the
Allies in Bulgaria, has somewhat raised the proposed figures.
The persistent claims of the powers with special interests reveal
that they have an inexact understanding of the situation.
These powers appear to believe that the reparations to which they
will be entitled by reason of their losses in live-stock, etc., will
be limited to what they can get from Bulgaria under the head of
restitution. That is not the case; the total of reparation due them
undergoes no reduction because of restitutions provided in the
treaty; it is apparent, however, that these powers cannot be
indemnified twice for the same injury. They will have applied to
them from the common
[Page 639]
the portion which is legitimately theirs. Their claims are valid as
regards all the enemy powers, who are jointly and severally bound to
discharge them, and not only as regards Bulgaria.
The system adopted by the Commission on Reparations has consisted in
estimating the highest sum which could be paid by Bulgaria; to that
end the Commission has taken into consideration all the resources of
Bulgaria, including the live-stock. To discharge its obligation,
Bulgaria will without doubt, have to export great numbers of
The Commission considers that nothing will more surely risk the
provocation of trouble in the Balkans than disputes over
restitutions of live-stock. Such restitutions degenerate quickly
into cattle raids, a costly practice to the inhabitants of the
frontier zones. It would be very unpleasant if these raids should
seem to be justified by the treaty.
Consequently, the Commission vigorously maintains its point of view
on the limitation of restitutions in kind.
(4) “Greece, Roumania, and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State are not
represented on the Interallied Commission for Bulgaria” (Article
A decision by the Supreme Council has already been taken upon this
subject and the Commission desires to declare once more that it
considers that the article ought to be preserved as it is.
Appendix E to HD–27
General Headquarters, August 4,
From Marshal Foch, Commander in Chief of the Allied
To the President of the Council, President of the
Peace Conference.
By my letter No. 3401 of July 17, I submitted to you some proposals
on the subject of measures to be taken to assure the maintenance of
order in the 50 kilometre zone on the right bank of the Rhine.
These proposals had in view, particularly, to permit for a period of
not more than three months from the time the treaty goes into force,
the maintenance of military forces, as a garrison for security, in
the 50 kilometre zone on the right bank of the Rhine, these forces
to be subjected to the regime similar to that in force at present
for the neutral zone of 10 kilometres.*
[Page 640]
On the subject of the strength of the forces, the maintenance of
which in the 50 kilometre zone might be provisionally allowed, I
think it my duty to give you the following explanations:
After the armistice the Germans were authorized to maintain in the
neutral zone military forces comprising a total of:
- 10 battalions, and
- 10 squadrons.
Subsequently, on account of disturbances, partial reinforcements were
granted by the Allied High Command; these reinforcements brought the
German forces of the neutral zone up to
15½ battalions with an average effective of |
500 men |
8 squadrons |
150 men |
2 field batteries |
120 men |
These are the German forces at present in the neutral zone.
In order to make sure of the maintenance of order in the 50 kilometre
zone, the German Government should be authorized to maintain
provisionally in that zone a certain supplement, in addition to the
forces mentioned above. But this supplement should be of little
It is only a question, indeed, of holding certain industrial centers,
like Essen, or certain large cities, like Frankfort. The number of
additional garrisons which is required is, therefore, limited.
Account must be taken, besides, of the fact that the internal
situation in Germany is less disturbed than it has been.
Finally, it would be illogical to permit Germany to keep relatively
strong forces in the 50 kilometre zone for 3 months, when, during
those 3 months, they must reduce their total forces to 200,000
For these reasons I propose to fix the supplementary force to be
granted at 4½ battalions and 2 squadrons; that is to say, to
authorize for the whole of the 50 kilometre zone, from Holland to
Switzerland, the provisional maintenance of:
- 20 battalions,
- 10 squadrons,
- 2 batteries.
As a matter of information, the German forces stationed in this 50
kilometre zone in time of peace included:
- 39 battalions,
- 30 squadrons,
- 60 batteries.
I request that you will be good enough to advise me as soon as
possible of the decision of the Allied Governments upon this
question, so that the measures to be taken may be applied as soon as
the Treaty of Peace goes into force.
[Page 641]
I think I should add that General Michel, Commander of the Belgian
army of occupation, and General Fayolle, who have received through
the German Command requests looking toward the maintenance of order
in the 50 kilometre zone, have both expressed an opinion in
agreement with the proposals which I am submitting to you.
Appendix F to HD–27
Allied General Headquarters, August 6,
troops of occupation in upper silesia and dantzig
From: Marshal Foch.
To: The President of the Peace Conference.
The military representatives at Versailles have studied, on the
invitation of the Allied Supreme Council,13 the composition of the
Allied forces of occupation in the plebiscite zone of upper Silesia,
and the effectives to be sent there. On July 10th they unanimously
pronounced for one division at a strength of about 13,000 men.
Since, in its session of July 26th,14 the
Supreme Council decided that this force would be taken from the
occupation troops of the Rhenish territories. But no decision has as
yet been made to determine the contribution of each of the Great
Powers toward the constitution of this force.
In the same way, the military representatives at Versailles,
increased by a military representative of Japan and a naval
representative from the Five Great Powers, have been invited by the
Supreme Allied Council to determine the military and naval steps to
be taken in the territories of Danzig and Memel.15 Without its having been
possible to reach an agreement on this question, a certain number of
them concluded, on June 24, the advisability of employing forces
equivalent to one division for the whole of the two territories.
Since, in its session of July 31,16 the Supreme
Council, examining the Danzig question, postponed the examination of
the military force which is to occupy this territory.
These two questions remain thus in suspense, and the command may
expect to have requested of it to furnish important contingents for
Silesia and the Danzig zone. It may also have to furnish troops for
the occupation of the Sarre territory, concerning which no decision
has yet been made.
[Page 642]
Now the resources at the disposal of the French command at the
present moment are strictly limited. The demobilisation allows it
indeed to draw, for the missions in question, only on the 9
divisions made up exclusively of the classes 18 and 19, which are
consequently not affected by the demobilisation, and are maintained
at a sufficient strength (2000 men per regiment).
Out of these 9 divisions, 6 are designated to form the French army of
occupation, 1 has just been dissolved in order to obtain regiments
for the guard of German prisoners of war.
There thus remain only the equivalent of two divisions to furnish the
French effectives which the Supreme Council may decide to assign
either to the Sarre territory, or to Upper Silesia, or to Danzig and
Consequently, it is indispensable to solve simultaneously and in the
shortest possible time these three questions, so that a general plan
may be established for the employment of this force of two
divisions, with which the chief of the General Staff of the Army has
just requested, in addition, the taking of a considerable new
contingent to strengthen the P.W.17 guard, which has become
I have the honour, consequently, to request you to be good enough to
have these three questions decided without any delay by the Supreme
Allied Council: Strength and composition of the forces designated
for the occupation of Upper Silesia, as well as the territories of
Danzig, and Memel, and finally the Sarre territory.
Appendix G to HD–27
ministry of blockade and of the liberated
commissariat general for restoration of liberated
From: the Minister of the Liberated Regions.
To: the President of the Peace Conference.
As a consequence of an agreement concluded last January with the
marshal, commander in chief of the British forces, it was understood
that the English Army would lend its assistance toward the
restoration of the liberated regions particularly by undertaking,
throughout the zone which it occupied, a search for and a systematic
destruction of implements of war of all sorts.
On May 24, contrary to this agreement, General Asser, commander of
the British forces stationed in the liberated regions, announced
that, in consequence of demobilization, the cooperation of the
[Page 643]
Armies would be
limited thereafter to the removal of English munitions in good
condition and of valuable stores which could be sold at a profit or
be put to further uses.
On June 6, 1919, I requested the marshal, commander in chief of the
Allied Armies, to intervene with the British authorities to have
them reverse their decision. On June 13 Marshal Foch informed me
that General Asser replied directly from the War Office that the
same problem arose in the American and Belgian zones as well; that
the question was, therefore, quite of a general nature and should be
submitted to the Peace Conference.
In consequence of this reply, I called together, on June 26, at the
Ministry of the Liberated Regions, a conference in which the
representatives of the various interested French Services took part.
This conference unanimously passed a resolution with which I
associated myself entirely, and which I have the honor to
communicate to you herewith.
Among all the questions which the restoration of the liberated
regions presents, the destruction and removal of war materials are
assuredly the most harassing.
There is no other more urgent and the approaching disappearance [repatriation?] of prisoners of war further
augments its acuteness.
[Resolution by a Committee Summoned by the
French Minister for the Liberated Regions]
The Committee summoned by the Minister for the Liberated Regions, for
the purpose of studying the question of the collaboration of the
Allied Armies in the task of clearing the ground and in the
operations concerning the removal and the destruction of munitions
in the liberated regions;
- (1)
- The accumulation of discharged and undischarged
projectiles, and of stores of munitions and all kinds of
implements of war, creates a permanent danger to the
populations of the liberated regions and a serious obstacle
to the resumption of their local life, and has daily caused
a great number of accidents, particularly the death of
several hundreds of children since November 11;
- (2)
- The clearing away of these implements of war and their
destruction calls for considerable labor force, supervised
by numerous specialists, which it is impossible to find
outside of the armies, and which France cannot furnish by
herself alone so as to bring the task to completion within a
reasonable period of time.
[Page 644]
- (1)
- That this important question be brought before the Peace
- (2)
- That the Conference should recognize the principle that
the clearing of the ground and, above all, the destruction
and removal of munitions in the liberated regions
constitutes an obligation for each one of the Allied Armies
in the zone which each occupied at the moment of the
armistice and that this task cannot be deferred;
- (3)
- That there be constituted at once an Interallied Committee
for the immediate realization of this programme.
Appendix “H” to HD–27
Reply of President Wilson to
Inquiry of July 21,19
From the British, French, Italian and Japanese
Representatives in the Council of Five, on the Question of a
Proposed Blockade of Soviet Russia
“The President is not unmindful of the serious situation which exists
in relation to neutral trade in the Baltic with the Russian ports
controlled by the Bolsheviks. He has given careful consideration to
the arguments advanced in the message transmitted at the request of
Monsieur Clemenceau, and is not unmindful of their force in support
of the proposed interruption of commerce with the ports mentioned.
However, while he fully understands the reasons for employing war
measures to prevent the importation of munitions and food supplies
into the portion of Russia now in the hands of the Bolsheviks, he
labours under the difficulty of being without constitutional right
to prosecute an act of war such as a blockade affecting neutrals
unless there has been a declaration of war by the Congress of the
United States against the nation so blockaded.
The landing of troops at Archangel and Murmansk was done to protect
the property and supplies of the American and Allied Governments
until they could be removed. The sending of troops to Siberia was to
keep open the railway for the protection of Americans engaged in its
operation and to make safe from possible German and Austrian attack
the retiring Czecho-Slovaks. The furnishing of supplies to the
Russians in Siberia, while indicating a sympathy with the efforts to
restore order and safety of life and property, cannot be construed
as a belligerent act.
The President is convinced that if proper representations are made to
the neutral countries during the war they can be induced to prohibit
traffic in arms and munitions with the portions of Russia controlled
by the Bolsheviks. The avowed hostility of the Bolsheviks to all
Governments and the announced programme of international
[Page 645]
revolution make them as
great a menace to the national safety of neutral countries as to
Allied countries. For any Government to permit them to increase
their power through commercial intercourse with its nationals would
be to encourage a movement which is frankly directed against all
Governments and would certainly invite the condemnation of all
peoples desirous of restoring peace and social order.
The President cannot believe that any Government whose people might
be in a position to carry on commerce with the Russian ports
referred to would be so indifferent to the opinion of the civilised
world as to permit it. The President therefore suggests that the
so-called neutral Governments be approached by the Allied and
Associated Governments in joint note setting forth the facts of the
case and the menace to such countries and to the world of any
increase of the Bolshevik power, and requesting the neutral
Governments to take immediate steps to prevent trade and commerce
with Bolshevik Russia and to give assurance that the policy will be
rigorously enforced in conjunction with other Governments which are
equally menaced”.