600.119/1891: Telegram

The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Davis ) to the Acting Secretary of State

4838. War Trade Board [from Sheldon]: 2163. Department’s 3604, December 21st, Your 1896.44 A.B.C. consider that such reexport of articles on free list as would be likely to occur would not be seriously objectionable. Committee however consider that official position should be that such reexports are not permissible to Central Powers or at present to Russia or Finland and that guarantees against such reexport should be obtained insofar as practicable. Under existing agreements regarding Norway and Sweden, Committee understand that adequate guarantees against reexport can be obtained without difficulty. Regarding Denmark, Committee consider that, though War Trade Board agreement with Denmark does not clearly cover this point yet, for present position should be maintained that guarantees are required. Regarding Holland, Committee consider that guarantees cannot properly be [required] under new general agreement and N.O.T. agreement but it is suggested that I.A.T.C. should recommend removal from free list of any articles which they considered were being improperly reexported. Inasmuch as it is not expected that Central Powers would desire to import articles on present free list to any appreciable extent committee feel that question is largely academic.

  1. Not printed.