600.119/1794: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Davis )

3595. For Sheldon [from War Trade Board]: No. 1902. Embassy’s 4480 December 10, 4 p.m., transmitting Weddell’s December 8, 7 p.m.39 Repeat following reply to Weddell:

[Page 769]

7 p.m.39 Repeat following reply to Weddell:

“We believe that under present conditions there should be no unnecessary restrictions left upon commerce and cannot see that at the present time we are in any way interested as to the possibility of Greece obtaining more than her actual needs of any one commodity. It would be impossible to comply with your suggestion that ration details as fixed by the Commercial Bureau be maintained unless licenses are referred to Athens before granting. We therefore propose to make public announcement on December 26 that beginning January 1, 1919 licenses will be issued freely for shipments to Greece without prior reference to Athens. These licenses will be valid regardless of the flag of the steamer, will be unlimited as to time, and will be valid for shipment either direct or via any other country. We can see no object in cabling particulars of these licenses after granting.”

  1. Not printed. Alexander W. Weddell was War Trade Board representative at Athens.
  2. Not printed. Alexander W. Weddell was War Trade Board representative at Athens.