Paris Peace Conf. 871.51/12: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

303. Your 305, January 18 [16], 1 p.m. [12:10 p.m.] Department is advising Treasury that Roumania should be regarded as a belligerent within the meaning of the Act of Congress. Roumanian authorities here are still without authority to sign obligations. Might not such authority be forwarded to [by] Premier Bratiano who is understood to be at present in Paris? For your information the following cable has been sent to the Legation at Bucharest:

“For your information only. In order to relieve urgent necessities President has recommended to Treasury immediate advance of $5,000,000 to Roumania. Treasury before making advance must have a specified person designated as one authorized to sign obligations in the name and on behalf of the Roumanian Government, which obligations in the opinion of the Department would be valid and binding internationally and have its sanction. Roumanian Minister here formerly had such authorization but he has now left United States.

You are instructed to explain to the Roumanian Government that before any advance can be made by Treasury, the Roumanian Government should instruct its representative in United States to negotiate a loan agreement in its name and on its behalf, to sign [Page 723] obligations thereunder and to perform any other acts in the premises. Cable to Department at once an authentic copy of the full powers issued by Roumanian Government to its representative in the United States and forward as soon as possible the original authenticated full powers in pouch.”
