Paris Peace Conf. 840.48/10: Telegram
The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Acting Secretary of State
239. [From Lansing.] Your 138, January 7, 8 p.m. For information see telegram from the Legation at Sofia number 11, January 4, 12 a.m. [p.m.], Embassy at Paris telegram number 6627 of January 4, 12 p.m. [January 5, 10 a.m.], and Hoover’s telegram number 205 to the Food Administration.70
Question of prorata contributions will be determined when Allied Commissioners on Relief meet in Paris. England is and has been contributing all of relief to Servia and is sending two cargoes of flour to Roumania, and Italy has already made contributions. In fact, the Allies recognize necessities and are willing to contribute anything they have available.
As regards relief for Armenia understand campaign now on in the U. S. to raise thirty million for this purpose, but see no objection [Page 718] to include Armenia, in appropriation, except for adverse effect this might have on campaign.
Please do not fail to furnish Mr. Sherley with information regarding appeals for assistance which may be received by the Department from sources other than the Peace Mission.
Cannot too strongly urge passage of bill. Refer Commissioner White’s telegram to Senator Lodge.71 Lansing.