Paris Peace Conf. 103.97/152g: Telegram
The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Acting Food Administrator ( Rickard )
22. From Hoover. Telegram in Paris papers from Washington claim[s] that statements are appearing in the U. S. to the effect that serious differences have arisen between myself and the Allies on food measures. There is no difference with regard to measures to be adopted with regard to any specific country. We have been at serious difference because of proposal that an Allied Food Council should be established to dominate entire food resources of the world the effect of which would control American markets and destination of American food. This I have refused to entertain as I conceive no one has the right to hand the control of American producer and manufacturer and national resources to any body not responsible to the U. S. Congress or the American people, no matter how praiseworthy the object may be. If subject is receiving any discussion a statement by Glasgow42a hinting at my attitude to this effect to the Press might be very useful. I expect we will eventually reach an agreement. Hoover.
- William A. Glasgow, Jr., chief counsel to the Food Administration.↩