Paris Peace Conf. 185.001/1

Financial Protocol Signed at Trèves, December 13, 19186



The German Government pledges itself not to dispose, without previous agreement with the Allies, of the metal reserve in the Treasury or in the Reichsbank (Imperial Bank), of paper drawn on foreign countries or of property held in foreign countries, or of foreign transferable securities belonging to the Government and to the public banks.

[Page 542]

The German Government pledges itself not to give, without previous agreement with the Allies, to any individuals or companies permission to draw out any of the above-mentioned property or securities possessed by said individuals or companies.


The German Government pledges itself to take, in agreement with the Allied Governments, all necessary measures to decide, with the least possible loss of time, under what conditions the stocks and bonds (titres) lost or stolen in the invaded regions shall be restored to their legitimate owners.


The German Government lays on itself the obligation to pay to the inhabitants of Alsace-Lorraine as they reach maturity, and in conformity with the laws now in force, all debts and all bonds which have reached maturity or which will reach maturity during the armistice and concerning the German public banks (Caisses), for example: treasury bonds, checks postal and otherwise, transferals, acceptances, etc., the above enumeration being declarative and not restrictive.

The German Government lays on itself the obligation not to hinder in any special way the inhabitants of Alsace-Lorraine from disposing freely of any property, securities, stocks, bonds or deposits belonging to them and situated in Germany.


The German Government pledges itself to consider, in agreement with the Allied Governments, the measures to be taken for the restitution, in the shortest possible time, of goods sequestered to the detriment of nationals of allied countries.

Have signed:
For France:
Mm. Ch. de Lasteyrie

P. Tirard

For Germany:
Mm. Busing

  1. Translation filed separately under Paris Peace Conf. 185.001/12.