
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp ) to the Secretary of State

No. 6791

Sir: Referring to my telegram No. 5866, November 16th, 11 A. M.,2 I have the honor to transmit herewith enclosed copy and translation of a memorandum received by me from the Polish National Committee protesting against the occupation of Lwow and Przemysl by Ukrainian troops commanded by and composed largely [Page 411] of Germans, and against the machinations of Germany to prevent the union of Galicia and Poland.

I have acknowledged receipt of this memorandum to the Polish National Committee.

I have [etc.]

W. G. Sharp

The Polish National Committee to the American Ambassador in France ( Sharp )


The Polish National Committee considers it to be its duty to bring the following facts to the knowledge of the Allied Governments and the Government of the United States:

Germany and Austria, forced by the Allies to capitulate, and seeing that the Polish question will not be solved in accordance with their plan, are endeavoring, with the aid of the Ukrainians, devoted to their cause since the beginning of the war, to obstruct the unification of the new-born Poland.

Since Galicia proclaimed its separation from Austria in order to form a single independent State united to the other Polish territories, German armed forces, followed by Ukrainian detachments and acting, it is alleged, in the interests of the Ukrainian cause, occupied, after a struggle with the Polish Legionnaires, the cities of Lwow and Przemysl. The fact that the Archduke William, German candidate for the Ukrainian throne, commanded these troops and that the latter for the most part were composed of Austro-Germans clearly shows the object pursued and indicates who was to benefit by the movement.

To render Poland as weak as possible and to create a Ukraine governed by Germany—such were the aims of German policy in Eastern Europe. To this end Germany has opposed during the entire war a union of Galicia and Poland and is even now exerting a supreme effort to prevent this union. It is for the same reasons that the Germans have granted the Ukrainians, by the treaty of Brest-Litovsk,3a the province of Chelm which has always been a part of the kingdom of Poland and whose Polish character was proven even by the Austrian census.

The Polish National Committee protests vigorously against these German attempts which infringe the integrity of Polish territory and which at the same time are contrary to the interests of the [Page 412] Entente in Eastern Europe. It declares that not only are the principal cities of Eastern Galicia Polish because 80 percent of their population is Polish, but also that all of Eastern Galicia, which has been a part of Poland since the XIV century, is, by its civilization, as well as by its history, inseparably bound to Poland and could not be detached from it.

  1. Not printed.
  2. File translation revised.
  3. Foreign Relations, 1918, Russia, vol. i, pp. 442475.