Paris Peace Conf. 772.73/4
The American Embassy at Paris presents its compliments to the American
Commission to Negotiate Peace and has the honor to enclose herewith for
its information, copy and translation of a letter from the Minister for
Foreign Affairs a. i. of Montenegro transmitting translation of a note
received by him from the Servian Chargé d’Affaires near the Montenegrin
Government, in which the latter states that his functions have come to
an end from the date of December 4th on which date, he writes, the union
between Montenegro and Servia became effective.
The Montenegrin Acting Minister for Foreign
Affairs (
) to the American Chargé in France
No. 2929
, December 29, 1918.
Mr. Chargé d’Affaires: This morning we
have received from the Chargé d’Affaires of Servia near the
Montenegrin Government, a note informing us that the diplomatic
functions of the representative of the Servian Government have come
to an end “inasmuch as on the 4th of this month, the union between
Montenegro and Servia became effective.” (Kindly find enclosed the
literal translation of the said document.)
Such an action fully shows up in all their cynicism the arbitrary
procedures of official Servia. It discloses even to those minds most
prejudiced against Montenegro, her sovereigns, and her legal
representatives, the secret motives of the odious campaign which
started eleven years ago and was conducted these last months with
unheard of violence. The inadmissible note we are communicating to
you proves how thoroughly justified were the remarks we had thought
fit to express to you previously regarding the clandestine plans of
the Servian Government.
[Page 360]
In order not to disturb the harmony which should reign between
Allies, we have hitherto in sad resignation borne calumny,
defamation, insult, denunciation and plottings, but this time, with
all our strength, we indignantly raise our voices in protest against
an action which violates our most sacred rights and which, we dare
to hope, will meet with unanimous reprobation from the civilized
The actions of the Servian Government are not only an outrage to the
sovereignty of Montenegro; they offend the ideas and designs of the
Allies who have solemnly proclaimed on several occasions their wish
to reinstate our country whose liberty and independence have been
acquired after six centuries of strife.
Therefore, in the name of the Royal Government of Montenegro, I have
the honor to place before Your Excellency our most earnest protests.
They are those of a country which has sacrificed itself through
solidarity for Servia and which, in 1915 saved the army of that
monarchy so eager to-day to annex its former ally. The heroic
devotion and abnegation of Montenegro is now reaping this day the
reward that Jesus met with Golgotha!
We are convinced that our Great Allies will surely receive our
legitimate protests with sympathy. Do they not denounce a flagrant
violation of the principles upheld by the Entente and their
associates? Since Metternich and Bismarck such machinations are no
longer seemly, and those for whom obligations and right are not mere
scraps of paper, can but severely censure official Servia for its
brutal covetousness. We are confident that your Excellency’s
Government will find the way to exact respect for our undeniable
rights from the Servian Government which has forgotten what is due
to all the Allies in the great war.
Kindly accept [etc.]
The Chargé d’Affaires of the Serbian Legation to
Montenegro (
) to the Montenegrin
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
No. 432
, December 15/28, 1918.
By order of the Royal Government, I have the honor to inform the
Royal Government, that the diplomatic functions of the
representative of the Royal Government near your Ministry, must be
considered as having ceased, inasmuch as on the 4th of this month,
the union between Montenegro and Servia became effective.