763.72/12317: Telegram
The Special Agent at Corfu ( Dodge ) to the Secretary of State 15
[Received November 21—1:20 p.m.]
Foreign Office received today telegram from Servian Minister of War stating substantially:
“Servia delegate Agram reports that Italian and American forces landed Fiume, former occupying military building and disarming [Page 304] Yugo-Slav troops; that the population greatly excited against the Italians and that Agram National Council declares itself able to maintain order Fiume and will not be responsible for anticipated conflict if more Italians land as announced. General Esperey has appointed French Commandants at Fiume and Ragusa, and is sending Servia French troops there.”
- Forwarded to Colonel House as Department’s telegram No. 85, Nov. 27, 1918, 6 p.m.↩