Signor Luigi Luzzatti
to President Wilson
At a meeting held on Sunday evening at Rome on the initiative of
authorized representatives of the Armenian nation, presided over by
Deputy Luigi Luzzatti, Minister of State, and attended by Deputy Meda,
Minister of Finance, Deputy Borsarelli, Under-Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs, Deputy Indri, Under-Secretary of State for Finance,
Deputy Teso, Under-Secretary for the Navy, Count de Martino, Secretary
General of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Senator Bodio, Deputy
Cesaro, Chairman of Italian Committee on Armenian independence, Deputy
Area, Sir Mark Sykes, M. P., and a large number of other prominent
politicians, professors and publicists, resolutions were passed to the
effect that Armenia in consideration of the past and present martyrdom,
and military aid spontaneously lent to allied cause, as proved by
official testimony, of the part taken throughout history by the element
of civilization, be at once constituted into a free and independent
State. All agree that Armenia is destined to become one of the jewels of
society of nations the advanced sentinel of civilization in the East.
The meeting also resolved to apply to the President of the United States
of America, the creator of freedom of nations and to the most worthy
heads of the Governments of France, England and Italy; Clemenceau, Lloyd
George, Orlando for the immediate recognition of Armenian national
delegation headed by Nubar as a government by the same titles and in the
same manner as the Polish, Czech, [Yugo-]Slav Governments have been
recognized. The meeting unanimously takes the liberty of cautioning
Allied Governments against Turkey whose domination over Christian
peoples is a standing menace to the civilization and peace of the