Paris Peace Conf. 182/8a
The Secretary of State to Dr. S. E. Mezes
My Dear Doctor Mezes: I had hoped before this to be in New York and to get into more direct and detailed touch with your work. That which I know of it and have seen is so excellent that I probably could contribute little in the way of suggestion. However there is one branch of study which intended to mention as of importance in view of the uncertainty as to the scope of the conference which will take up world affairs. I refer to South and Central America. It is [Page 77] of course possible that these regions may not be considered at all, but I think as a matter of precaution we should give as careful study to them as to the countries of Europe and Asia, following the same general treatment along historical, ethnological, geographical and economic lines. It would be most unfortunate to be without preparation if these countries became subjects of discussion.
I am writing you this because I do not see how I can get to New York within the next few days, and I do not think work on these subjects should be postponed. Possibly you have had this same thought and have already acted upon it. If so, this letter is superfluous. But it seemed to me sufficiently important and urgent to call to your attention on the possibility that the desirability of this particular study and collection of data had not occurred to you.
With warm regards I am
Very cordially yours,