Paris Peace Conf. 751.65/1: Telegram
The Ambassador in Italy ( Page ) to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
[Received December 29—9:20 a.m.]
39. For your information political press much interested in enthusiastic reception King of Italy in Paris. Apparent effort being made to use this visit to ameliorate tension in Italian-French relations due to Jugo-Slav and other questions. Internal questions very much to fore in all current discussions, education system receiving special attention. Compulsory education law now being considered by important meeting called for purpose in Rome. Much interest and space given to discussion of Jugo-Slav questions in the New Europe Magazine as showing England opposed to Italian aspirations.
Regarding industrial situation, Italians urging Allies consider prompt supply coal in large quantities as most effective means meeting post-bellum situation. Bissolati, Minister of Pensions and prominent pro-war Socialist, has resigned from Cabinet, owing according to report Bari, differences with Sonnino. Former considered to support President’s entire program. Possible other ruptions may follow and possibly even Cabinet crisis may result later unless matter patched up.
Genoa consulate reports some signs of political unrest particularly due to military representatives of other countries remaining in Italy, though this not considered imminent danger. Feeling between military of the several countries is always liable to show itself and at several points in Italy there have been times when they were very near to conflict. This includes always a danger.
King’s visit to Paris appears to have had good effect in smoothing Italian-French relations though Italy watching keenly France’s attitude toward Jugo-Slav and Near East questions.
Venice reports much Italian propaganda going on with reference to Italy’s claims to Fiume. This evident also here. Press meantime reports situation in Flahavhan [sic] continues unsettled and pregnant with possible further trouble.
Turin reports Italian soldiers returning from France creating feeling great resentment among working classes due to treatment by French of Italian soldiers in France. Naples has had an important meeting throughout week, of seven hundred employees of the Postal Telegraph and Telephone systems at which plans were discussed for amelioration condition employees. Press reported an outbreak of smallpox in Naples apparently still on increase.
[Page 472]Consuls in Southern Italy report continued increase in prices and much speculation in foodstuffs. Venice reports the situation of the poor very difficult due to high prices and scarcity of food though news from Trieste and farther east state food conditions those regions much better.
I returned to Italy on Sunday 22d reaching Rome 23d after stay of 10 days in Paris on duty attending President’s visit to Europe.