Paris Peace Conf. 865.00/3: Telegram
The Chargé in Italy ( Jay ) to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
[Received December 21—9:50 a.m.]
21. Clemenceau’s interview granted Italian Deputy Raimondo published Rome Messagero Dec. 17th produced unfortunate impression Italian press public opinion. Belief vaguely expressed here however approaching event will reestablish French-Italian cordiality.
General Piccione, Italian Army expert mountain fighter, left yesterday Italian Army headquarters with Czech-Slovak President Masaryk having been appointed by Prague Government commander in-chief Czech-Slovak Armies. Italian press says he will organize new Bohemian Army including Czech-Slovak troops French front and two Czech-Slovak divisions organized here by Italian generals Boriani and Rossi. Italian Colonel Cagini commanding first contingent Czech-Slovak troops organized in Italy cabled to Czech Premier [Page 465] Kramarz from Budajogice “As we crossed the frontier Republic we send greetings Czech-Slovak Nation,” to which Kramarz replied thanking welcoming representatives Italy.
Press announcement of formation new Jugo-Slav Ministry composed Slovene-Croat-Serb representatives followed in Italian press by despatch from Belgrade stating Pasic refused presidency such new Ministry. Italian press doubts stability such new Ministry. Italian press doubts stability such ministerial coalition, Rome Tribuna alleging it represented agreement heads of Governments rather than agreement among peoples affected. Rome Messagero today comments Pasic’s refusal symptomatic as he represents adherence Serbian Dynasty while majority Croats want republic. Milan Corriere Sera December 17th quotes from Croat newspaper Kroatska Drzava that Kuderabek of Prague appointed Czech Slovak Commissioner by the “Jugo Slav Port of Fiume.” Also quotes announcement departure from Zagabria of Serb battalion which left Fiume November 17th when Allies landed and now transferred to Portore south of Buccari.
Premier Orlando filed this Embassy report alleged Montenegrin elections which ousted King Nicholas tending to show grave irregularities and illegal interference at Arbe Island and Sebenico. Summary thereof follows today’s Embassy report.
Tentative opinion heretofore reported this Embassy possible unofficial Italian-Hungarian Entente finds some indirect evidence in today’s Embassy report following.
Paris despatch to Rome Epoca states President Wilson will arrive Rome sometime between December 29th and January 2nd and will visit Pope.
Preliminary conference organization new Italian Catholic Party closed yesterday. Reported plans must be now approved by Pope. Italian press generally welcomes new Catholic Party believing it will be patriotically nationalistic with largely social program. New Nicaraguan Minister to Vatican presented yesterday credentials. He was until recently Minister of Monaco principality to Vatican. Pope had long conference with Belgian Monseigneur Tiberghien just returned from Belgium on visit inspecting war devastations. Naples Mattino believes new Italian loan will be floated January.
Italian commission ascertaining war damages actively working. Press reports Italian maritime losses approximated already 1,000,000 tons with several billions loss of merchandise. Devastations lootings on land alleged to exceed in destructiveness and exceeds losses Belgium and invaded French departments. Italian devastated area less than 1/15th all Belgium but occupied by population numbering about 1/6th entire Belgian population with important industrial towns. Looting in cities and country systematical and unlimited especially by [Page 466] General Varr. I personally doubt accuracy of the reports in preceding paragraph.