763.72119 P 43/923: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Special Representative ( House )

47. For Auchincloss from Polk. Your No. 118 November 18th.4 Will take up matter at once and see what I can do to help. Have been keeping out of it. Will find out about Committee on Public Information. Know that Creel and Sisson5 are going over. Sorry to hear Grew is ill. Think it will be very helpful for you to go ahead, but suggest you await a definite answer on your 99, which I will try to obtain tomorrow. Think Summers would be the best representative of the War Industries Board. No appointment has been made for War Trade Board or Alien Property Custodian. Will suggest someone be selected. Can see no object in representative of the Fuel Administration. Will cable you as soon as we have the information in regard to date of sailing of American staff and names of principals. Miller sailed the 3d or 4th. Warrin and Professor Hudson6 sailed the 9th. In making plans do all you can to keep in mind that both Army and Navy are endeavoring to take some of the functions of the Department. This is natural on their part, but I hope you will keep our [Page 199] interests at heart. If any of your telegrams have not been satisfactorily answered send me a confidential message calling my attention to messages and I will have them attended to.

  1. For a further reply to Colonel House’s telegram No. 118 of Nov. 18, see the Department’s telegram No. 54, Nov. 20, 1918, 7 p.m., p. 162.
  2. Edgar Sisson, general director of the Foreign Section of the Committee on Public Information.
  3. Frank L. Warrin, Jr., and Manley O. Hudson, assistants to the technical advisers on international law, Commission to Negotiate Peace.