Paris Peace Conf. 184.001/8
The Chargé in France ( Bliss ) to the French Minister for Foreign Affairs ( Pichon )
Excellency: On instructions of my Government, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that President Woodrow Wilson is in France as the representative of the United States of America at the Peace Conference and that he is accompanied by the following Commissioners Plenipotentiary:
- Honorable Robert Lansing, Secretary of State;
- Honorable Henry White, former Ambassador to France and Italy;
- Honorable Edward M. House;
- General Tasker H. Bliss, United States Army.
Mr. Joseph Clark Grew, Minister plenipotentiary, is the Secretary and Supervising Director of the Commission; Mr. Leland Harrison and Mr. Philip H. Patchin are Assistant Secretaries.
With assurances [etc.]