Paris Peace Conf. 184.1–Helms, Birch
Mr. William C. Bullitt to the Secretary of the Commission to Negotiate Peace ( Grew )
Dear Joe: Colonel House has asked me to request you to bring up before the Commission to-morrow morning the question of the proposed appointment of Major Birch Helms to the following position:
Major Helms to be detailed to the Peace Commission as a Special Military Attaché or Intelligence Officer to assist in obtaining information for the Commission relative to Republican sentiment in the United States.
To transmit correct and accurate data, independent of press dispatches, to Republican leaders, who may be in Paris, such as Senator Wadsworth and Mr. George W. Perkins recently, and if convenient, to arrange through proper channels for them to see members of the Commission.
To have authority to attend conferences of the Peace Commission with newspaper correspondents and also confer occasionally with members of the Commission so that correct data can be transmitted to Republican leaders in the United States independent of press dispatches.
Very respectfully yours,