033.1140/33: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
153. For Grew. Your No. 3, December 8th. I had nothing to do with the arrangements for handling telegraphic communications. Fear Navy’s attitude in Paris result of resentment. Urge you to hold situation as it is until arrival President’s party. Patchin can explain situation as he and Phillips were responsible for present arrangement. Think it would be most unfortunate if any radical change is made by Navy before you have an opportunity to discuss the matter with Secretary of State. Suggest you take the matter up with the Colonel immediately and have necessary officers held as it would be most unfortunate to have the mission crippled through any inter-Departmental rivalries. Show this telegram to Patchin on his arrival; he knows my views. Will take matter up with Phillips when he returns later in the week.