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Form of Credentials Issued to Commissioners Plenipotentiary
Woodrow Wilson
President of the United States of America,
To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting:
Know ye, That reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity and ability of the Honorable Robert Lansing, Secretary of [Page 176] State of the United States, the Honorable Henry White, lately Ambassador of the United States to France and Italy, the Honorable Edward M. House and General Tasker H. Bliss, United States Army, I do appoint them jointly and severally to be Commissioners Plenipotentiary on the part of the United States at the International Peace Conference to meet at Versailles, hereby empowering them jointly and severally to meet and confer with any persons invested by their respective Governments with like power and authority and with them to negotiate, conclude and sign for and in the name of the United States, any and all International Acts necessary to the conclusion of a definitive peace, the same to be transmitted to the President of the United States for his ratification, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof.
In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.
By the President:
Robert Lansing
Secretary of State.