Paris Peace Conf. 811.001/64: Telegram
The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Ambassador in Italy ( Page )
5. [From House.] The President will leave Paris on Wednesday evening, January 1st., arriving Rome Friday morning, stopping 2 hours at Turin enroute. He will call at Vatican. He will also call upon the American Protestant denominations in Rome, and I suggest that they meet together at one place in order that the President may make a single visit instead of several. It would be advisable for him to leave Rome on Saturday night at such an hour as to bring him to Genoa at about nine where he would lay wreath at foot of Statue of Columbus. He would then proceed to Milan and after stopping there a couple of hours will leave, via Turin without stopping there again, for Paris, arriving on Monday morning. It is understood that the Italian government has already dispatched special train to Paris for the President’s party. Edward House.