Paris Peace Conf. 811.001/46b: Telegram

The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Davis )

20. The President has just arranged the following respecting his trip to England. He will leave French Channel port between 9 and 10 a.m. on December 26th and will arrange to arrive in London at approximately 2 p.m. on the same day. The following will accompany [Page 151] him: Mrs. Wilson, Admiral Grayson, Miss Benham (Mrs. Wilson’s Secretary), Mr. Close and Mr. Swem, President’s man servant and Mrs. Wilson’s maid, nine secret service men and three newspaper men, viz., Associated Press, United Press and International News Representatives. While he is in England he will have as his Military Aide the Commanding General of the American Troops in London, just as General Harts, Commanding General of the American Troops in Paris, acts as his Aide during his stay in Paris. Mr. Young will be in the party as Disbursing Officer. It is possible that Colonel House may go to London with the President but this has not yet been definitely decided. The President expects to stay in England on 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of December as the guest of the British Government. We understand that the arrangements for the entire party will be looked after by the British authorities. You would have been notified before this of the arrangements but they have been changed from hour to hour and it was only this morning that it was possible to ascertain definitely the President’s wishes.

Am[erican] Mission