Paris Peace Conf. 184/17

The Acting Chief of the Bureau of Citizenship, Department of State ( Flournoy ), to the Private Secretary to the Secretary of State ( Crane )

Dear Mr. Crane: Yesterday Mr. Hoover,18 at the White House, called me up on the telephone in regard to passports for persons connected with the President’s party, who are going to France with him. He enquired about obtaining a passport for the President. I told him that I did not think that it would be necessary for the President and Mrs. Wilson to carry passports. However, he seemed to think that they would wish to have them. I told him then to put it up to the President. The President said that he and Mrs. Wilson wanted to take passports, and upon Mr. Hoover’s request I went to the White House this morning and took their applications. I told Mr. Hoover that I did not think it necessary for the President to make the usual application, but he said that the President wished to go through the usual routine. As soon as the photographs are obtained, I shall have the passport made out and send it to the Secretary for signature.

Please let me know whether the Secretary wishes me to come over and take the passport applications of himself and Mrs. Lansing.

R. W. F[lournoy]
  1. Irwin H. Hoover, head usher at the White House.