File No. 872.48/164
The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 12, 12.57 p.m.]
3333. Monsieur Naville, president of central section of Swiss committee for relief of Servians, with ample funds in hand, petitions intercession of American Government to allow purchase in America [Page 614] and transmission through Switzerland of foodstuffs and clothing for starving and destitute Servian civilians in territory occupied by Austria. Since 1916 such supplies have been suspended owing to objections raised by British Government. Am assured by Servian Minister here and by Swiss authorities that ample guarantees offered by Austria that such supplies would be scrupulously respected and distributed solely among those for whom intended. Swiss Government prepared to appoint official delegates to accompany such shipments and supervise distribution in certain specified localities, working with Servian and Austrian delegates appointed for similar purpose. Need of foodstuffs more urgent in Belgrade and larger towns, clothing in country districts. Distress and mortality among women and children reported appalling. Naville suggested that special permission for 30 car loads, say 300 tons, foodstuffs and clothing purchased in United States, be granted in view of Swiss Government’s cooperation and that question be taken up again through diplomatic channels with British Government to obtain consent to this exceptional measure. Servian Minister here believes this would constitute beneficial propaganda for Allies since Austrians are using every means to persuade Servians that they are being abandoned by their allies. Matter very urgent.