File No. 763.72114/3197
The British Chargé ( Barclay) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 18.]
Sir: With further reference to your note No. 1457 of the 5th instant, and to Sir Cecil Spring Rice’s reply No. 37 of January 101 respecting the proposed provisioning of all Serbian prisoners of war by the American Red Cross, I have the honour to inform you that I have now received a further telegram on this subject from the Foreign Office.
The Foreign Office in this telegram state that His Majesty’s Government concur in the proposed provisioning of these prisoners by the American Red Cross, and that they are ready to facilitate as much as possible the shipments of food to be sent to Switzerland to the prisoners.
His Majesty’s Government also agree in the proposal made by the Serbian Minister at this Capital, of which I was informed verbally by your Department, that the few Montenegrin prisoners now in enemy hands should be included in the above arrangement on the same basis as Serbian prisoners of war.
I have [etc.]
- Latter not printed.↩