File No. 600.119/1602b
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain ( Laughlin)
2340. For Sheldon [from War Trade Board]:
No. 1438. Referring to Department’s 1648, September 27, 3 p.m., our 1282; Department’s 1727, October 1, 7 p.m., our 1328; [Page 1006] Department’s 1790, October 3, 7 p.m., our 1338.1 War Trade Board has been allowing sailers under German safe-conduct to proceed to Cette with cargoes for Swiss, under condition that if cargoes included petroleum, petroleum by-products and foodstuffs, these commodities must be stored beneath other cargoes so as not to be easily reached. Board has now agreed, Navy consenting, on account of peculiarly difficult position of Swiss in regard to shipping, to remove previous cargo restrictions concerning storing of petroleum, byproducts of petroleum, and foodstuffs on safe-conduct sailing boats in Swiss service. The prohibition concerning copper and similar metals still obtains. Awaiting your report on the cables set forth above, the Navy concurring, we are not permitting shipments of petroleum, by-products of petroleum, and foodstuffs aboard Swedish sailers. The prohibition against copper and similar cargoes aboard Swedish sailers still obtains. Danske Petroleum Co. wishes to use sailing tank bark Astrid to carry oil from United States to Denmark. Please also refer to our 1282, also our 1328,2 also our 1338, concerning schooner Charles de Rouvres, asking you to confer with Sims, consult Transport Council, and cable recommendation. Pending your reply, must also withhold licenses from four French auxiliary sailers on Pacific coast with coal to Rio, thence to France Prompt decision on general policy necessary in view approaching completion of some forty French schooners on Pacific coast. Urgently request you consult Transport Council at once and also have Sims consult Admiralty and other authorities involved, in order we may have full opinion on whole question of permitting sailing vessels under German safe-conduct and bound for northern neutrals to carry cargoes of mineral oil and foodstuffs as well as on case of French motor schooners. Delay causes hardship. Prompt reply would also strengthen our position in upholding practice of consulting Transport Council whenever possible.