File No. 862.85/353

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile ( Shea)


Department’s March 30, 5 p.m.1 You are instructed to communicate the following verbally to the Minister for Foreign Affairs:

While the United States Government has been glad to answer the inquiry of the Chilean Ambassador in Washington regarding the transfer to the Chilean flag of three German ships, Karnak, Alda, and the Göttingen, that it has no objection to the transfer of these vessels for navigation between New York, the Pacific Coast, Valparaiso, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Rio, this Government, nevertheless, desires to invite attention to the fact that while no formal conditions to the transfer were made it was assumed that the Chilean Government would make it a rule not to allow enemy officers, crew or passengers on these ships. The presence of such enemy subjects would be a violation of United States port regulations when these ships came to American ports and might cause unfortunate difficulties. Moreover, their presence on these ships might lead to acts hostile to the United States and to the risk of their taking possession of the ships to the injury of the United States with resulting complications.

The above information has been given orally to Chilean Ambassador in Washington.

  1. Not printed.