File No. 862.85/358

The Ambassador in Argentina ( Stimson) to the Secretary of State


The Minister for Foreign Affairs called me this afternoon to the Foreign Office to inform me that he had mentioned to the President my request and his promise that in case of the sale of the German ships, the United States should have the preference; he stated that the President had authorized him to make a report that the President recognized the reasonableness of this request and confirmed the [Page 1747] promise that in the event of the sale of the ships or any one of them by the Argentine Government the United States should have the first notification and the priority right of purchase.

He then told me that the Argentine Government has about concluded negotiations for the purchase of the German steamer Bahia Blanca, 15,000 tons, and that she would be used at present by the Government in Government service.

Under the above understanding therefore he has asked me to cable the Department to ask whether the United States will waive its objection to such purchase and consequent change of flag under article 56 of the Declaration of London which was approved by the Argentine Government.
