File No. 600.119/1133
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6 p.m.]
4769. War Trade Board [from Taylor and McFadden]:
344. As A. E. F. forces increase month by month, their requirements of all characters of supplies correspondingly increase and, with a view to conservation of tonnage and in order to secure prompt deliveries, it is their policy to so far as possible secure their supplies, whether raw materials or manufactured articles, in Switzerland or Spain. There are seven distinct services of the A. E. F., each with its own independent purchasing department, and it has been the purpose of Colonel Dawes for the past few months to endeavor to coordinate the undertakings of these departments and same has now been satisfactorily accomplished. We are arranging to have regular meetings with the various purchasing officers of the various services of the A. E. F. in order that: first, purchases made or contemplated may be considered from various view points; second, in order that we may inform both you as well as your representatives in Spain, Switzerland, and Italy, of purchases made or contemplated to be made in these countries. The French Blockade Ministry recommend the organization of an inter-Allied blockade committee in Paris for the purpose of consideration of all blockade questions in connection with these neutrals. We agree with the suggestions of the Blockade Ministry for the reasons: first, the importance of the supplies to be secured from neutrals by A. E. F. can probably be more accurately determined from Paris than elsewhere; second, the information received [Page 992] in Paris through French diplomatic service, other French official agencies, and also through representatives of A. E. F. in those countries is very comprehensive; third, as the French have important commercial interests in Switzerland and Spain, and as these countries are adjacent to France, therefore, they consider Paris to be the logical location for the consideration of inter-Allied blockade questions relative thereto; furthermore, the French stated that they were willing to recognize London as the proper locality for an inter-Allied blockade committee to consider all questions concerning northern neutrals and Holland, but they considered Paris to be the logical location for a corresponding committee to consider all blockade questions concerning Spain and Switzerland, and they hope in consequence thereof that British Government and War Trade Board will be willing to approve the organization of a committee of this character and for this purpose in Paris. We trust you will give this suggestion your most careful consideration as we think that through the medium of this character in Paris that same might be very helpful in the consideration of arriving at a common policy for the Associated Governments in connection with Spain. In this connection we desire to point out that now would be an opportune moment to create this committee for the reason that we understand radical changes are about to be made in connection with the personnel of the British Blockade Ministry. Taylor and McFadden.