File No. 837.711/29a
The Secretary of State to the War Trade Board Representative in Cuba ( Morgan)
Department’s circular telegram of March 30, 7 p.m., and your April 3, 5 p.m. While Department hopes that the Cuban Government may be able under its laws and regulations to prevent the vessels of Compañía Transatlántica and Pinillos Steamship Lines continuing their voyages between Cuba and Mexico for reasons given in your April 3, 5 p.m., and Legation’s April 1, 12 p.m., the War Trade Board informs the Department that, “under agreement with Spain ratified March 7, 1918, the War Trade Board is bound for two months from that date to afford Spanish vessels touching United States ports such coaling facilities as the Board may find possible. While this agreement may be construed as applying only to United States ports, the War Trade Board considers it advisable that Mr. Morgan personally and officially should do nothing against the spirit of the agreement.”