File No. 652.119/1976
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 21, 2.55 p.m.]
5498. Personal for McCormick, War Trade Board [from McFadden]:
No. 519. Department No. 5924, October 16, War Trade Board 385.1 Lack of animal supplies is become a most serious problem of A.E.F. For example, some divisions are practically immobile in consequence thereof. The remount officers state that the supplies of mules in Spain are quite sufficient for national requirements of Spain but even if same are insufficient, mules will not be required again in quantity until the spring and many things may happen. In the meantime something must be done. It is quite possible Spanish Government for one reason or another will again refuse to release mules, notwithstanding your offer of ammonia, and under such circumstances we venture to suggest most vigorous diplomatic representations and, if necessary, drastic blockade policy, if you think by such procedure the release of mules can be secured. We send this cable on the urgent solicitation of the military advisers of the A.E.F. McFadden.