File No. 659.119/296
The Chargé in Denmark ( Grant-Smith) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11.02 p.m.]
2315. Your 868, 17th instant.1 Denmark had April 1 about 822,117 tons of steam and motor ships, some 611,000 of which were actually in the Allied service.
[Page 1330]The Danish Committee about to arrive in the United States will, pursuant to Germany’s orders, demand 400,000 tons for their exclusive use, which would necessitate the release of at least 188,883 tons. In case of noncompliance on our part they are instructed to cause Danish vessels navigating for the Allies to be immediately laid up wherever they may happen to be. Compliance would deprive us of 188,883 tons; noncompliance of some 611,000 tons.
Although I formerly deprecated requisitioning as long as any other course were possible, the present circumstances as reflected in your telegram 850, 8th, and Legation’s 2268, 13th instant,1 as well as the urgent need for the employment by the Allies of every possible ton of shipping at this critical moment, would appear to leave us no alternative. I shall anxiously watch developments. Please keep me confidentially informed of the progress of the negotiations and events.