File No. 658.119/445

The Minister in Sweden ( Morris) to the Secretary of State


2308. The Minister of Foreign Affairs last evening gave me the following note of ratification by the Swedish Government of the recent agreement between Sweden and Allies, and asked me to transmit same to you immediately. I would call your attention to the latter part of the note in which the Swedish Minister requests confirmation by our Government of the War Trade Board representative’s adherence to the agreement:

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to inform you that the Royal Government, having seen and examined the arrangement concerning the commerce and navigation of Sweden and the financial questions connected therewith, which was signed in London on May 29 last by the War Trade Board of the United States of America, has approved and ratified the said arrangement to the end that it may become operative and be carried out as drawn and stated on condition, nevertheless, of a corresponding declaration on the part of the said Government.

Consequently, Mr. Minister, I ask you to have the goodness to send me a declaration from your Government, expressing its intention to observe the stipulations of the agreement on the terms of the above-mentioned adherence.

[Page 1277]

A note was also delivered to the British, French, and Italian Ministers at the same time.
