File No. 657.119/478a
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page)
7469. For Sheldon [from War Trade Board]:
No. 407. We have submitted an exceptionally liberal agreement to Nansen having conceded practically every substantial point he has raised excepting Norwegian Government’s right to take over import and distribution of all commodities which we feel might menace French and English supplies.
Nansen now states he is not sure that he has authority to sign, which convinces us his Government intends if possible to drag out this negotiation for political or other reasons. We have notified Nansen that if the agreement is not signed before his departure which is planned for next week we shall not consider ourselves’ bound by any of the terms of this agreement in any future negotiation but will insist that if matter is reopened it shall be de novo and without commitment on our part.
[Page 1170]We also feel that in justice to ourselves and in order to fully inform our public we should publish the agreement we have proposed to Nansen, including the ration schedules, if it is not signed.
Please take this up with British and French and, if they approve, communicate the contents to Schmedeman in order that he may inform the Norwegian Government. We will not communicate with Schmedeman directly from here.