War Trade Board Files: American-Norwegian Agreement, Vol. II

The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission ( Nansen) to the Chairman of the War Trade Board ( McCormick)

My Dear Mr. McCormick: Referring to my note of the 12th inst. I will at once inform you that I have received a new cablegram from my Government stating that according to investigations, which they have now made, they consider it unadvisable in the expected agreement to mention a higher figure than 90,000 tons, as the quantity [Page 1162] of nitrates which Norway expect to have available for annual export to the United States and her associates. It appears that the year of 1917 offered especially favorable conditions for the nitrate industries, the quantities of water carried by the rivers concerned being unusually great that year. As it looks at present it is feared that the situation in the latter respect will be much less favorable during the present year.

I would consequently suggest that the figure of 90,000 tons of nitrates, as originally mentioned in my note of February 2 be maintained in the agreement which we are now in the process of drafting.

Believe me, my dear Mr. McCormick,

Sincerely yours,

Fridtjof Nansen