File No. 763.72111N83/50

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Norway ( Schmedeman)


274. Your 576, March 9, 7 p.m. and 624, March 30, 7 p.m. You are instructed to deliver textually the following reply to the Minister for Foreign Affairs:

I have the honor to communicate to Your Excellency the reply of my Government to your note of the 9th of March last relative to a [Page 1155] reaffirmation of the policy of neutrality which Norway purposes to continue during the present war.

The Government of the United States assures the Norwegian Government that it appreciates fully the purpose of the Government and people of Norway to remain impartially neutral in the great conflict which is ravaging Europe and understands that in order to avoid any misconception the Government deems it advisable at this time to reaffirm its purpose.

In acknowledging this redeclaration of policy the Government of the United States assumes that the Norwegian Government intends thereby to affirm its purpose of asserting and maintaining its rights as a neutral as well as of recognizing and performing its neutral duties in accordance with the rules of international law defining such rights and duties, since the Government of the United States conceives that the Government of Norway would resist a violation of any of its rights, including the right of negotiation, with the same determination and vigor as it would resist an invasion of its territorial rights.
