List of Principal Persons
- Alexeev, Gen. M. V., from March to June 1917 Commander in Chief of the Russian Army; in September 1917 Chief of Staff.
- Armour, Norman, Second Secretary of the Embassy in Russia.
- Avksentiev, N. D., a leader of the Socialist-Revolutionist Party and Minister of the Interior in the first cabinet of Kerensky; Chairman of the first All-Russian Congress of Peasants’ Deputies.
- Bailey, James G., Secretary of the Embassy in Russia.
- Bakhmeteff, Boris A., head of the Extraordinary Embassy from Russia to the United States; July 5, 1917, Russian Ambassador at Washington.
- Bakhméteff, George, from November 28, 1911, to April 20, 1917, Russian Ambassador at Washington.
- Balfour, Arthur J., British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Barclay, Colville A. de R., Counselor of the British Embassy at Washington.
- Brusilov, Gen. A. A., in 1916 Commander of the Russian offensive in Galicia; from June to July 1917 Commander in Chief of the Russian Army.
- Buchanan, Sir George W., British Ambassador at Petrograd.
- Bullard, Arthur, Director of the Russian Division, United States Committee on Public Information.
- Caldwell, John K., Consul at Vladivostok.
- Cecil, Robert, Lord, British Minister of Blockade and Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Cheidze, N. S., a leader of the Social Democratic (Menshevik) Party; Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies; Chairman of the first All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies.
- Chernov, V. M., a leader of the Socialist-Revolutionist Party; from May to October 1917 Russian Minister of Agriculture.
- Chicherin, George V., Acting Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, March 13, 1918; Commissar for Foreign Affairs, May 30, 1918.
- Clemenceau, Georges E. B., from November 16, 1917, to January 20, 1920, French Premier and Minister for War.
- Cole, Felix, Vice Consul (later Consul) at Archangel.
- Creel, George, Chairman of the Committee on Public Information.
- Crosley, Capt. Walter S., Naval Attaché in Russia.
- Davison, Henry P., Chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross.
- Denikin, Gen. A. I., from April to June 1917 Chief of Staff of the Russian Army.
- Diamandi, Constantine J., Count, Rumanian Minister in Russia.
- Dukhonin, Gen. N. N., from September to December 1917 Chief of Staff of the Russian Army.
- Egan, Maurice Francis, Minister in Denmark.
- Emerson, Col. George H., in charge of the Russian Railway Service Corps.
- Francis, David R., Ambassador in Russia.
- Garrett, John W., Minister in the Netherlands and Luxemburg.
- Gompers, Samuel, President of the American Federation of Labor.
- Goto, Shimpei, Baron, from October 1916 to April 1918 Japanese Minister of the Interior; from April to September 1918 Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Grant-Smith, Ulysses, Chargé d’Affaires in Denmark.
- Guchkov, Alexander I., from March to May 1917 Russian Minister of War and Navy.
- Harris, Ernest L., Consul General at Irkutsk.
- Haynes, Thornwell, Consul at Helsingfors.
- Henderson, Arthur, member of the British War Cabinet and official of the Labour Party, sent by the British Government on special mission to Russia.
- Hertling, Georg, Count von, Chancellor of the German Empire.
- Hoffmann, Maj. Gen. Max, Chairman of the German delegation at Brest Litovsk until the arrival of the Foreign Secretary.
- Horvat, Gen. Dmitri L., Russian Governor and General Manager of the Chinese Eastern Railway.
- House, Edward Mandell, Special Representative of the United States Government.
- Huntington, William C., Commercial Attaché in Russia.
- Jenkins, Douglas, Consul at Riga; on special detail at Kiev; at Chita; later detailed to Harbin.
- Jenkins, William L., Consul at Trebizond; at Tiflis; at Moscow; at Petrograd.
- Judson, Brig. Gen. William V., Military Attaché and chief of the American Military Mission to Russia, July 23, 1917.
- Kaledin, Gen. Alexis M., Ataman of the Don Cossacks.
- Kerensky, Alexander F., from March to May 1917 Russian Minister of Justice; from May to September Minister of War and Navy; from July to November Prime Minister.
- Kerth, Lieut. Col. Monroe C., Assistant Military Attaché in Russia, July 23, 1917.
- Kolchak, Admiral Alexander V., leader of anti-Soviet Russian forces in Siberia.
- Kornilov, Gen. L. G., Commander of the Russian southwestern front after July 19, 1917; from July 31 to September 11, 1917, Commander in Chief of the Russian Army.
- Krylenko, N. V., member of the Soviet committee of three placed in charge of Military and Naval Affairs November 8, 1917; Commander in Chief of the Russian Army.
- Kühlmann, Richard von, German Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Lansing, Robert, Secretary of State.
- Lenin, N. (Vladimir Ulyanov), President of the Soviet of People’s Commissars, November 8, 1917.
- Lindley, Francis O., British Commissioner in Russia.
- Lloyd George, David, British Prime Minister.
- Lockhart, Robert H. B., British Special Representative in Russia.
- Lvov, George E., Prince, from March to July 1917 Russian Prime Minister (President of the Council of Ministers).
- Lvov, N. V., from March to August 1917 Russian Procurator of the Holy Synod.
- Macgowan, David B., Consul at Moscow, on special detail to investigate the arming of war prisoners in Siberia; later detailed to Vladivostok.
- Maklakov, V. A., appointed by the Provisional Government Russian Ambassador in France.
- Martin, Lieut, (later Capt.) Hugh S., Assistant Military Attaché in Russia.
- Masaryk, Thomas G., President of the Czecho-Slovak National Council.
- Michael Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, younger brother of Nicholas II.
- Milner, Alfred, Viscount, 1916–1918, member of the British War Cabinet without portfolio; 1918, Secretary of State for War.
- Milyukov, Paul N., from March to May 1917 Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Mirbach, Wilhelm, Count von, German Commissioner in Russia; April 26, 1918, German Ambassador to the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic.
- Morris, Ira Nelson, Minister in Sweden.
- Morris, Roland S., Ambassador in Japan.
- Moser, Charles K., Consul at Harbin.
- Motono, Ichiro, Viscount, from November 1916 to April 1918 Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Mott, John R., General Secretary of the International Committee of Young Men’s Christian Associations.
- Nekrasov, N. V., Minister of Ways of Communication in the cabinets of Prince Lvov; Assistant Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in the first cabinet of Kerensky.
- Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia.
- Noulens, T., French Ambassador in Russia.
- Onou, C., Counselor of the Russian Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires at Washington.
- Otani, Gen. Kikuzo, of the Japanese Army, senior officer of the Allied forces in Siberia.
- Page, Walter Hines, Ambassador in Great Britain.
- Parker, Maj. Francis Le J., Military Attaché in Russia, May 16, 1917; Assistant Military Attaché, July 23, 1917.
- Phelps, Livingston, Second Secretary of the Embassy in Russia.
- Pichon, Stephen, from November 16, 1917, to January 20, 1920, French Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Polk, Frank Lyon, Counselor for the Department of State.
- Poole, DeWitt C., Consul at Moscow; in charge of the Consulate General at Moscow; later detailed to Archangel as Special Assistant to the Ambassador with the diplomatic rank of Counselor of Embassy.
- Poole, Maj. Gen. Frederick C., commanding the British forces in north Russia.
- Ray, John A., Consul at Odessa.
- Reading, Earl of (Rufus Daniel Isaacs), British High Commissioner and Ambassador on Special Mission to the United States.
- Ribot, Alexandre F., from March 20 to October 23, 1917, French Premier.
- Riggs, Capt. E. Francis, Military Attaché in Russia, December 31, 1915; Assistant Military Attaché, July 17, 1917.
- Robins, Lieut. Col. Raymond, from December 1917 to May 1918 in charge of the American Red Cross Commission to Russia.
- Rodichev, F. I., Constitutional Democrat, member of the First Duma; Russian Minister for Finnish Affairs under the Provisional Government.
- Rudzyanko, M. V., President of the Fourth Duma and chairman of the Executive Committee of the Duma which appointed the Council of Ministers (Provisional Government).
- Root, Elihu, Ambassador on Special Mission to Russia.
- Ruggles, Lieut. Col. James A., Assistant Military Attaché in Russia, October 25. 1917; Military Attaché, February 8, 1918.
- Scavenius, Erik, Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Scavenius, Harald, Danish Minister in Russia.
- Semenov, Gen. Gregory, Ataman of the Siberian Cossack.
- Sharp, William G., Ambassador in France.
- Shingarev, A. I., Constitutional Democrat, from March to May 1917 Russian Minister of Agriculture and in the following cabinet Minister of Finance.
- Sisson, Edgar G., special representative in Russia of the Committee on Public Information.
- Sonnino, Sydney, Baron, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Sookine, John, Secretary attached to the Russian Embassy at Washington.
- Spencer, Willing, Secretary of Legation in China; later Secretary of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires in Japan.
- Spring Rice, Sir Cecil Arthur, from April 1913 to February 1918 British Ambassador at Washington.
- Stevens, John F., Chairman of the Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to Russia.
- Stovall, Pleasant A., Minister in Switzerland.
- Summers, Maddin, Consul General at Moscow.
- Tereshchenko, Michael I., from March to May 1917 Russian Minister of Finance; from May to November Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Thomas, Albert, French Socialist and Minister of Munitions, sent by the French Government on special mission to Russia.
- Thompson, Lieut. Col. William B., in 1917 in charge of the American Red Cross Commission to Russia.
- Thomson, Alfred R., Consul at Moscow; later detailed to Irkutsk; to Omsk.
- Tredwell, Roger C, Consul at Petrograd; later detailed to Vologda; to Moscow; to Tashkent.
- Trotsky, L. D. (Bronstein), Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies, October 8, 1917; Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, November 8, 1917, to March 13, 1918; Commissar for War and Navy, March 13, 1918.
- Tseretelli, I. G., a leader of the Social Democratic (Menshevik) Party; from May to August 1917 Russian Minister of Post and Telegraph; from July to August Minister of the Interior.
- Vinaver, M. M., Constitutional Democrat, member of the First Duma.
- Vopicka, Charles J., Minister to Rumania, Serbia, and Bulgaria.
- Wardwell, Maj. Allen, from May to October 1918 in charge of the American Red Cross Commission to Russia.
- Webster, Capt. William B., of the American Red Cross Commission to Russia.
- Wheeler, Post, Counselor of Embassy and Chargé d’Affaires in Japan.
- Whitehouse, Sheldon, Secretary of Embassy in Russia; assigned to Stockholm January 8, 1918; later Chargé d’Affaires in Sweden.
- Wilson, Woodrow, President of the United States.
- Winship, North, Consul at Petrograd.
- Wright, J. Butler, Counselor of the Embassy in Russia.
- Zinoviev, Gregory E., Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies, December 13, 1917.