File No. 657.119/132a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page)


5820. For McCormick:

The President sent for me this afternoon to ascertain the exact situation of Norwegian negotiations in preparation for appointment which he has made for Doctor Nansen. I explained present situation and all that led up to it and stated to him proposed negotiations to be carried on at Christiania as stated in your cable 11th. He discussed with me the program therein outlined and directed me to cable you that he is entirely unwilling to go any further than the principle of action already settled, namely, that we will supply or attempt to supply nothing to Norway except what we can be shown the people actually lack and we cannot undertake to supply them with any food-elements of which they deprive themselves by exportation. He is not willing to take part in insisting that there be no export from Norway to Germany as he regards that as inconsistent with the principle upon [Page 1066] which the United States has always insisted and the rights which she has always demanded for herself. In view of above he further directs me to say that in his judgment we cannot in good faith hold up the Danish agreement awaiting any other negotiations. Jones;1

  1. Thomas D. Jones, Acting Chairman of the War Trade Board.